ACEP Mentors Companies in Business Accelerator

ACEP researchers Erin Whitney and Chris Pike met with four companies selected for the 2018 Launch Alaska business accelerator program in Anchorage.
ACEP is providing technical guidance and expertise to the businesses BoxPower, Carter Wind, Correlate and Omega Grid. All four companies focus on solving challenges with energy generation.
BoxPower of Grass Valley, California, provides innovative infrastructure solutions to off-grid and underserved markets worldwide, and has developed the world’s largest containerized hybrid renewable energy system.
Carter Wind from Witchita Falls, Texas, plans to fill a gap between large and small wind turbines. It manufactures next-generation wind turbine technology that is self-erecting and designed for ease of use.
Correlate, from San Francisco, is a virtual energy manager for businesses that leverages an artificial intelligence platform to create, deploy and manage low-cost custom strategic energy programs. This reduces the risk of investments and increases energy savings. It works with large energy users, such as the military, to help bring down costs.
Omega Grid of Chicago offers a peer-to-peer “blockchain,” which is a decentralized accounting system for transactions between multiple energy parties. It is an energy platform that removes the revenue risk of distributed generation of utilities, encourages energy investment by property owners and enables access to lower rates for everyone. Its primary customers are utilities.
More information about the companies and the Launch Alaska program can be found at