ACEP Helps Anchorage Receive National Solar Recognition

As a direct result of ACEP Solar Technology Program efforts, Anchorage recently received national recognition as a bronze designee by SolSmart for its achievements in a 1,000 percent increase of solar systems installed since 2015.
Solarize Anchorage, a partnership between individual neighborhoods, the Alaska Center and ACEP, helped Anchorage reach this milestone. Their goals are to lower the installed
price of solar photovoltaics and remove barriers to their adoption.
SolSmart, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office,
recognizes communities that have acted to address local barriers to solar energy and
foster the growth of local solar markets.
The William A. Egan Civic Center’s new 77-kilowatt array is the largest rooftop solar installation in the state. Photo from