Summit Convened Stakeholders to Identify Problems, Strategize Solutions

Summit Convened Stakeholders to Identify Problems, Strategize Solutions

The 2019 Alaska Summit for Place-Based Resilience convened to discuss overlapping priorities between key stakeholder groups.

Stakeholder participating in the September 4-6 event included representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research, Alaskan startups, Alaskan research entities, and Alaskan communities.

The goal of the event organized by the Office of Naval Research, BMNT, the ARCTIC program partners, was to surface shared problems in order to align interests, pool resources, and minimize duplication of efforts. Find a list of the prioritized problems, key takeaways and next steps here.


Nathan Johnson, director of the Laboratory for Energy And Power Solutions at Arizona  State University presented during the Alaska Summit for Place-Based Resilience. Photo by Amanda Byrd.