PMEC Researchers Attend All-Center Meeting

PMEC Researchers Attend All-Center Meeting

ACEP’s Jeremy Kasper, Baxter Bond, and Emily Browning attended the Pacific Marine Energy Center All-Center Meeting and the Pacific Ocean Energy Trust Ocean Renewable Energy Conference in Portland Oregon, September 9-12.
The PEMC All-Center meeting is an annual meeting with members from the three partnered Universities: Oregon State University, University of Washington, and UAF. PMEC’s goal is to responsibly advance marine technology.
At the meeting, Jeremy Kasper presented an update on the Yakutat Wave Energy project and Emily Browning presented her poster on the Impact of turbulence on the New Energy’s Turbine.
During the POET OREC conference Jeremy Kasper presented on ACEP’s PSI Lab during the Testing coordination, Gaps, and Opportunities panel.
Other panelists included presenters included representatives from OSU, UW, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Hawaii. These events provided an invaluable opportunity to collaborate with industry, national labs and universities doing similar research to the PMEC members here at ACEP.


Emily Browning stands by the poster she and Jeremy Kasper presented during the POET OREC. Photo by Baxter Bond.