U.S. DOE Seeks Alaska Students for Summer Internship Program

To boost Alaska’s contribution to technology and innovation advancements in manufacturing, the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office has launched a summer internship program.
Students and recent graduates with strong Alaska ties will collaborate with researchers at the Idaho, Ames and Pacific Northwest national laboratories. Successful applicants will be paired with a mentor from one of these laboratories to participate in a project of interest to the laboratory and AMO.
Applicants must be enrolled as an undergraduate junior or senior, or master’s student during Sprint 2019. They must be pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics discipline, or in a discipline that supports the Advanced Manufacturing Office mission.
The application and additional information can be found at https://zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/DOE-EERE-RPP-AMO-2019-1100
Photo from https://www.energy.gov/