ACEP Researchers Win Solar Poster Award at National Conference

ACEP Researchers Win Solar Poster Award at National Conference

Erin Whitney and Michelle Wilber attended the 46th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Photovoltaics Specialists Conference in Chicago June 17-21 to present their work on solar PV installations in Alaska and to learn about cutting-edge research in the field.

Whitney and Wilber took a special interest in presentations on bifacial (2-sided) solar panel modeling and performance, solar prediction and grid integration, and solar in microgrids.

They won a poster prize for their poster “Catching the Midnight Sun: Performance and Cost of Solar Photovoltaic Technology in Alaska.”

For more information on ACEP’s Solar Technologies Program, visit /programs/solar-technologies-program.aspx.


Michelle Wilber and Erin Whitney hold their prize-winning poster. Photo courtesy of Michelle Wilber.