CES Offers Environmental Information at ANTHC Event

UAF Cooperative Extension Service energy specialist Art Nash is making preparations to host a booth at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium's Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management in mid-November.
The annual event trains tribal employees who are funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Indian General Assistance Program. The tribal employees develop capacity to manage their own environmental protection programs.
Nash will have flyers and publications from ACEP and Cold Climate Housing Research Center, in addition to the those from CES, at the booth. He will make three presentations at ATCEM on Nov. 20: “Radon in Alaska: Before and After the 2018 Earthquake,” “Climate Change Factors on Radon” and “AgrAbility — Disabled Alaskans Helping to Solve the State’s Food Security Problem.”
The schedule for the event is being developed, and event details can be found at http://www.atcemak.com/.