ACEP, UAF One of Five Universities Awarded Funding for Infrastructure Upgrades

ACEP, UAF One of Five Universities Awarded Funding for Infrastructure Upgrades

The three National Marine Renewable Energy Centers, Pacific Marine Energy Center, Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy Center and Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center, were recently awarded $5 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy Water Power Technologies Office to advance marine energy.

PMEC is the umbrella organization for marine energy research at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Oregon State University and the University of Washington. ACEP’s Jeremy Kasper is the UAF PMEC co-director.

The $5 million award will enable the NMRECs to upgrade test infrastructure to enable broader industry access and reduce technical barriers to incubating advanced marine and hydrokinetic technologies.

ACEP’s Tanana River Test Site and Power Systems Integration Lab are two of the facilities that will receive funding under this award.

For more information on PMEC or the award, contact Jeremy Kasper at


The Tanana River Test Site is one of the facilities that will receive funding under the DOE award. UAF Photo by Todd Paris.