Carbon Reduction Study Progress Report and Public Comment

Golden Valley Electric Association has engaged ACEP to prepare a CO2 reduction study. The study will help GVEA find ways to meet its board’s goals — reducing the rate of CO2 emissions 26 percent by 2030 while maintaining stable electric rates and system reliability.
The study is approximately one-third complete; results and recommendations are due to GVEA by the end of summer 2020.
ACEP is offering a study progress report, with a public comment opportunity, on Thursday,
May 21, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom conference. The purpose is twofold:
• To report to GVEA member-owners on study progress and initial findings; and
• To seek input from GVEA member-owners on additional options and issues that should
be considered by the study team.
While the original progress report plan was for an in-person meeting, current social distancing rules and prudent procedures required the workshop and comment opportunity to be online. Interested members of the public will be able to sign into the Zoom address below but will be muted until the public comment period begins. The moderator will call on individuals and unmute individual microphones as each person is called. Individuals may also comment and ask questions using the Zoom chat function.
To participate in the meeting by computer audio and video, join the Zoom meeting on
May 21 at 6:30 p.m. using the following URL:
The meeting ID is 853 7773 1709, and the password is 692886.
To participate in the meeting by telephone, join the Zoom meeting at (253) 215-8782 using the same meeting ID and password. Please note that telephone participants will not be able to view the presentation slides or text comments by other participants.