ACEP and GVEA Tackle CO2 Reduction by 2030

Alaska Center for Energy and Power is assisting the Golden Valley Electric Association’s CO2 Reduction Task Force to determine best strategies to meet the GVEA board of directors’ goal of a 26 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030.
The ACEP research team is augmented with partners from Dynamic Microgrid Systems and the Center for Arctic Policy Studies.
The CO2 reduction taskforce and ACEP had a roundtable research discussion on the UAF campus to brainstorm and review current ideas for projects that could result in a reduction in CO2 output for the GVEA service area.
The group toured ACEP’s Energy Technology Facility, which includes the Power Systems Integration Laboratory and the Diesel Test Bed.
GVEA CO2 Taskforce and the GVEA hybrid plug-in hybrid fleet vehicle with ACEP Director Gwen Holdmann, second from left, in front of the UAF Engineering Learning and Innovation Facility. Photo by Dayne Broderson.