ARENA Application Deadline Extended to March 1, 2020

The Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy application deadline has been extended to March 1. Apply for ARENA today!
Expand your energy networks and catalyze your projects. Here's what ARENA 2017 participants had to say about the impacts of the program:
"Meeting peers from across the Arctic and traveling together built lasting connections that continue to inform my work today – perhaps more so now than ever.” — Anahma Shannon, environmental coordinator, Kawerak Inc., Nome, Alaska
"The site visits enabled us to appreciate the commonalities as well as the differences between our regions, to get to know each other, our strengths and our interests, and to develop lasting friendships that are much more than professional networking. These friendships have already borne fruit.” — Oana Spinu, senior energy policy advisor, Inuit Tapitiit Kanatami, Ottawa, Ontario
"ARENA has really helped us move our project forward by providing resources and answers to questions throughout the process. I’ve been able to draw on experience from folks in the group as well as my own energy literacy.” — Kate Ballegooyan, environment officer, Kluane First Nation, Burwash Landing, Yukon
Interested? The deadline to apply has been extended to March 1, so apply now!
2017 ARENA participants Oana Spinu (center left) and Kate Ballegooyan (center right) tour a geothermal power plant in Iceland. Photo by Amanda Byrd.