2020 ARENA Cohort Announced, Bios Available

The 2020 Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy participants' bios are now live on the ARENA website.
“We're thrilled to have such a diverse cohort bringing a depth of expertise and a wealth of local knowledge to one another and the program,” says ARENA coordinator Carolyn Loeffler.
This year’s call attracted over 33 applications from throughout the circumpolar north. Eighteen individuals were selected for the final program: seven Americans, five Canadians, three Russians and three Greenlanders. More than half of the final cohort members identify as indigenous.
One application accepted into the program is a Greenland-U.S. partnership that will send three different individuals to one of each of the three in-person week-long on-site gatherings.
Although the first two on-sites have been postponed due to COVID-19, the cohort will be meeting virtually this summer before (hopefully) coming together in person for the Iceland on-site in late October. Please visit the ARENA website for more information regarding COVID-19 program delays.
ARENA is a unique circumpolar knowledge sharing program about isolated power systems integration organized in partnership with Canada, Gwich’in Council International, the U.S. and Iceland, and endorsed by the Sustainable Development Working Group of the Arctic Council. ARENA is designed specifically for individuals living and working in remote circumpolar Arctic communities.