Micro Nuclear Meeting Discusses Fuel, Transportation and Disposal

The third session in the four-part series designed to educate Alaskans on emerging small modular and micro nuclear power technologies will focus on the safety of the energy resource.
Each session incudes invited speakers with national and international expertise in this field. Discussions will range from advanced nuclear technologies to licensing and permitting, economics, and safety.
Register for the series here. This event will be presented through Zoom.
Dec. 17, 9-11 a.m. — “Safety: Fuel, Transportation and Disposal.”
Presenters include Everett Redmond, senior technical advisor, new reactor & advanced technology Nuclear Energy Institute; Daniel Richey, principal nuclear, thermodynamic engineer, Columbia Generating Station; Wendy Simon-Pearson, general counsel, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation.
Jan. 14, 9-11 a.m. — “Moving Forward: Next Steps.”
For additional information, please contact Kathy Mayo at kathy.mayo@kmayoassociates.com. For previous session information, please contact Patty Eagan pmeagan@alaska.edu.
An artist’s depiction of what a small nuclear power plant in Alaska might look like. Image by ACEP and UAF Geophysical Institute.