Vodcast Provides Detailed Solar Economics and Information

Vodcast Provides Detailed Solar Economics and Information

Thinking of taking advantage of a Solarize campaign or the dwindling tax credit to put solar on your roof this summer? Wondering what the economic payback would be? Want to know if you should install batteries as well?

Michelle Wilber of ACEP's Solar Technologies program has put together a video presentation with answers to the most common questions and an in-depth look at the current economics.

The vodcast focuses on installations in the Anchorage area, where the Solarize model started in Alaska, and much of the material is applicable in other places in Alaska.

This project is part of the ARCTIC Program, an initiative supported by the Office of Naval Research.

Still have questions about solar? Contact Michelle Wilber at mmwilber@alaska.edu.


ACEP’s Chris Pike helps to install a rooftop solar array in Anchorage. Photo by Michelle Wilber.