DOE Launches EnergyTech University Prize Geared toward Students

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Technology Transitions has announced the launch of its EnergyTech University Prize. The prize furthers energy technology commercialization by challenging college student teams to develop and present business plans that leverage DOE national laboratory-developed and other high-potential energy technologies.
EnergyTech UP awards $250,000 in total cash prizes to teams that navigate three phases: identifying an energy technology, assessing its market potential and proposing a strategy for commercialization. The top teams will compete for a share of $100,000 in prizes funded by OTT. In addition, six DOE technology offices offer up to $25,000 each in bonus prizes for the best teams in their respective fields. The six offices include the Geothermal Technologies Office, Solar Energy Technologies Office, Office of Nuclear Energy, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, Building Technologies Office, and Water Power Technologies Office.
Read more about EnergyTech UP and register now for an informational webinar on Wednesday, Oct. 20.