Would You Park an Electric Vehicle on the UAF Campus?

ACEP's Beneficial and Equitable Electrification Initiative is investigating the possibility of installing a Level II electric vehicle charger on the UAF Campus for public use.
To help determine the best location for a charger, ACEP is asking employees and students at the Troth Yeddha' campus in Fairbanks to fill out a short survey on how likely they are to drive an EV to campus and preferences about parking. If you spend time on campus, please take this survey.
A Level II charger adds about 10 - 20 miles of driving range to an EV per hour of charging, depending on the temperature, and could help regular commuters to campus feel more comfortable driving an EV. Data collected could help ACEP learn more about a charger's performance and energy use in Fairbanks, how these depend on temperature, and could even give insight into the role of EVs in lowering carbon and PM2.5 emissions in Fairbanks.
For more information, please contact Michelle Wilber at mmwilber@alaska.edu.
An Clay Koplin at an electric vehicle charging station in Cordova.Photo courtesy of Clay Koplin.