Fed Supernova Features ACEP’s Research

Fed Supernova Features ACEP’s Research

The Fed Supernova was a two-day online event held Sept. 28-29, 2021, where defense priorities and trending technology collided for the greater good.

ACEP Director Gwen Holdmann presented at the virtual event with Rich Carlin from the Office of Naval Research, and Rick Rocheleau from the Hawai'i Natural Energy Institute. They reviewed the Alaska Regional Collaboration for Technology Innovation and Commercialization on a panel called "Energizing Future Generation."

The panel discussed the collaborations across the ARCTIC program related to workforce development and education initiatives such as the T3 Alliance, as well as UAF's Center for Innovation, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship program and student intern programs through both Center ICE and ACEP.

This was also an opportunity to highlight a new partnership through ONR on kick-starting community innovation hubs in Alaska in partnership with Cordova and Kotzebue.  

“These hubs will serve as community-centric research partnerships, focused on existing strengths of partner communities and emphasizing R&D that accelerates participating communities’ vision for their own energy and economic development future,” said Holdmann.