Oak Ridge National Laboratory Visits UAF and ACEP

UAF recently hosted senior representatives from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, showcasing UAF programs and facilities. The goal for the trip was to introduce ORNL researchers to the work that is happening at UAF, forge new connections between ORNL and UAF researchers and prompt future collaboration between the two groups.
As part of the visit, ORNL researchers toured ACEP’s Energy Technology Facility, led by ETF manager David Light, and learned about current applied research projects from ACEP’s Phylicia Cicilio, Dominique Pride, Mari Shirazi and Erin Trochim.
“The visit gave us the opportunity to exchange ideas and have a meaningful dialogue with researchers from ORNL, who have overlapping interests with ACEP,” said Pride.
“ACEP and UAF have a long research partnership with many U.S. Department of Energy national labs. Adding Oak Ridge to that list will deepen our relationships,” said ACEP interim director Jeremy Kasper.
Both research groups expressed deep interest in reconnecting in the future and pursuing research collaborations.
ACEP's Mariko Shirazi (left) gives Oakridge National Laboratory program directors Moe Khaleel, Carter Christopher, Dave Page, and Buddha Bhaduri a tour of the Power Systems Integration lab in the Energy Technology Facility. Photo by Jeff Fisher.