ACEP to Host Booths at Upcoming UAF Career and Internship Fairs

Spring is around the corner, and that means summer job and career fairs. ACEP will attend the UAF Engineering Career Fair, on Feb. 28, and the Job and Internship Fair, on March 2. Both events will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wood Center. ACEP and the Geophysical Institute will share a table, and we encourage you to come by!
If you have a recruitment coming up or a temporary position you would like advertised, please let
Cassandra Ellis know at no later than 5 p.m. Feb. 24 to be included.
ACEP’s Phylicia Cicilio and Jeff Fisher speak to a student during the 2022 UAF Fall Job Fair. Photo by Amanda Byrd.