Postcards From The Data Edge

By Vanessa Raymond
This is an excerpt of a story from ACEP's blog, From the Grid.
Often what lies behind a dataset is a story, or a set of stories. Sometimes, it’s an epic saga complete with heroes, foes, trials and tribulations. Like all great stories, there are periods of woe and periods of triumph. Data stories are inextricable from human stories, with all the high drama that accompanies funding cycles, trends in research, and the crucial role that charismatic, passionate movers and shakers can have.
Working with data, as dry as that may sound to some, is actually quite an emotional process. Anyone who has spent any amount of time creating or collecting data, analyzing it, managing it, describing it, sharing, or re-using it can tell you how frustrating and exciting the process is. The challenges may stem from an ethical concern, a data quality concern, or a technical concern. Below read three data vignettes, accompanied by some bigger picture framing from data academics, featuring some of ACEP’s data champions: Michelle Wilber, Emily Richmond, and Dylan Palmieri.
Read the full piece at