2003-2004 UAF Catalog


Faculty, Staff and Emeriti

Faculty and Staff: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Raad, Lutfi -- 1988 -- Professor of Civil Engineering (1994), CSEM. American University of Beirut '71, B.E.; University of California, Berkeley '72, M.Sc.; '77, Ph.D.

Raap, Dani K. -- 1999 -- Assistant Professor of Psychology (1999), CLA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University '88, B.S.; George Mason University '95, M.A.; '96, Ph.D.

Raap, Kevin -- 1999 -- Assistant Athletic Director (2001), ATHREC. Appalachian State University '91, B.S.

RaLonde, Raymond L. -- 1991 -- Aquaculture Specialist (1991) and Professor of Fisheries (1996), MAP/SFOS. Oregon State University '69, B.S.; '72, B.Ed.; University of Idaho '88, M.S.

Rank, Louann -- 1999 -- Assistant Professor of Rural Development (1999), CRA. University of California, Berkeley '74, B.A.; Mulboldt State University '85, M.A.

Rao, Nagabhushana M.S. -- 1970 -- Professor of Sociology (1981) and Head, Department of Sociology (1982), CLA; and Instructor of Sociology, Independent Learning Program (1970), CDE. Chairman, Asian Studies (1974). University of Mysore '57, B.A. (Hon.); '58, M.A.; Washington State University '74, Ph.D.

Rathbone, Debi -- 1991 -- Manager, Juneau Center (1991), SFOS/JC.

Read, Colin L. -- 1989 -- Professor of Economics (1998), SOM; and Instructor of Economics, Independent Learning Program, CDE. Capilano College '79, A.A.S.; Simon Fraser University '81, B.S.; School of Graduate Studies and Research, Queen's University '82, M.A.; '88 Ph.D.

Redington, Julia -- 1998 -- Project Manager, Design and Construction Division (1998), FS. University of Alaska Fairbanks '95, B.S.C.E.

Reichardt, Paul B. -- 1972 -- Provost (1998); and Professor of Chemistry (1981). Davidson College '65, B.S.; University of Wisconsin '69, Ph.D.

Reilly, Terence J. -- 1996 -- Associate Professor of English (2000), CLA. Colby College '75, B.A.; Nova University '82, M.S.Ed.; University of Miami '91, M.A.; '93, Ph.D.

Reinhard, John -- 1999 -- Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (1999), CLA. Eastern Michigan University '77, B.S.; '80, M.A.; University of Michigan '96, M.F.A.

Renfro, John -- 1984 -- Manager Mail Services, UAF Post Office (2000), VCAS. University of Alaska Fairbanks '96, B.A.

Renfrew, Michelle -- 2000 -- Professional Development Coordinator, TVC (2000), University of Alaska Fairbanks '98, B.A.; Western Oregon University '00, M.A.

Rexstad, Eric -- 1991 -- Associate Professor of Quantitative Wildlife Biology (1997), CSEM/IAB. Luther College '79, B.A.; Utah State University '81, M.S.; Colorado State University '90, Ph.D.

Reyes, Maria Elena -- 1996 -- Assistant Professor of Education (1996), SOED. University of Texas Pan American '73, B.A.; Sul Ross University '85, M.A.; University of Texas at Austin '91, Ph.D.

Reynolds, Douglas -- 1997 -- Associate Professor of Economics (2002); Graduate Director, M.S. Economics (1999), SOM. Colorado State University '84, B.S.; University of New Mexico '94, Ph.D.

Reynolds, Janice McKenna -- 1988 -- Professor of Sociology (1988), CLA. Central Michigan '64, B.S.; Ohio State University '67, M.A.; '69, Ph.D.

Reynolds, Jennifer R. -- 2000 -- Assistant Professor / Science Director of the West Coast and Polar Regions Undersea Research Center (2000), SFOS. Dartmouth College '85, B.S.; Columbia University '90, M.A.; '93, Ph.D.; '95, Ph.D.

Riccio, Thomas P. -- 1988 -- Professor of Theatre (2001); Chairman, Theatre Department; and Co-Producer, Tuma Theatre (1995), CLA. Cleveland State University '78, B.A.; Boston University '82, M.F.A.

Rice, Donald D. -- 1983 -- Systems Analyst (1989), GI. University of Alaska Fairbanks '88, B.S.

Richey, David Lee -- 2001 -- Term Assistant Professor of Music (2001), CLA. North Carolina School of the Arts '81, B.M.; Southern Methodist University '84, M.M.; University of Wisconsin - Madison '98, D.M.A.

Richmond, Elke -- 1992 -- Assistant to the Dean (1996), GRAD.

Riley, Julie -- 1984 -- Associate Professor of Extension (1992), Anchorage District Horticulture Agent, CES. University of Wisconsin - Madison '77, B.S.; '80, M.S.

Ritter, John T. -- 1990 -- Affiliate Professor of Alaska Native Languages, Alaska Native Language Center (1995), CLA. Michigan State University '66, B.S., B.A.

Roberts, Larry N. -- 1987 -- Assistant Professor of Human Services (2000). KUC/CRA. Texas Christian University '71, B.A.; '77, M.Ed.

Robertson Jr., Ralph E. -- 1991 -- Project Engineer, Alaska SAR Facility (1991), GI. Georgia Institute of Technology '85, B.M.E.; '87, M.S.M.E.

Robinson, Annette P. -- 2000 -- Safety Officer - Codes and Safety (2000), VCAS.

Robinson, E. Thomas -- 1974 -- Professor of Accounting and Information Systems (2001), SOM. University of Wisconsin '67, B.B.A.; '71, M.S.; C.P.A.; '82, C.M.A.

Robinson, Thomas -- 1982 -- Warehouse Manager, Operations Division (1997), FS/VCAS.

Robinson, Guy -- 1997 -- Research Liaison and Massively Parallel Processing Specialist (1999), ARSC. Gonville and Calus College, Cambridge University, England '86, B.A.; '90, M.A.

Robinson, Mitchell R. -- 1989 -- Graphics Programmer Analyst (1989), GI. University of Alaska Fairbanks '88, B.S.

Rodgers, Ed -- 1984 -- Superintendent of Maintenance (1999), FS/VCAS.

Rodgers, Peter R. -- 1996 -- Mechanical Engineer, Utilities Division (1996), FS/VCAS. University of Alaska Fairbanks '96, B.S.C.E.

Rohwer, Celia M. -- 1975 -- Systems Analyst (1990), GI.

Romanovsky, Vladimir E. -- 1996 -- Associate Professor of Geophysics (1999), CSEM/GI. Moscow State University '75, M.S.; '82, Ph.D.; '85, M.S.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '96, Ph.D.

Romine, I. Jo -- 2000 -- Adjunct Instructor of Psychology (2000), CLA. University of Alaska Fairbanks '93, B.A.; Pacific Graduate School of Psychology '99, M.S.

Rook, William G. -- 1986 -- Master (Ship) (1994), SFOS/IMS.

Rosenberg, Jonathan -- 1993 -- Associate Professor of Political Science (2000), CLA. Pennsylvania State University '80, B.A.; University of California, Los Angeles '81, M.A.; '92, Ph.D.

Rosenberger, Scott R. -- 1996 -- Instructor (1996), CLA.

Rosengren, Scott. -- 1974 -- TV Program Coordinator, KUAC-TV (1998), CLA.

Roth, Mitchell -- 1983 -- Professor of Computer Science (1995), CSEM. Michigan State University '73, M.S.; University of Illinois '80, Ph.D.

Rowell, Janice -- 1989 -- Research Associate (1989), IAB. University of Victoria, British Columbia '75, B.Sc.; University of Ottawa '80, M.Sc.; University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine '90, Ph.D.

Rozell, Ned -- 1994 -- Science Writer/Grant Developer (1994), GI. University of Alaska Fairbanks '90, B.A.

Rozell, Ruiz Anne -- 1976 -- Associate Professor (1987), TVC/CRA. South Arkansas University '70, B.S.E.; University of Alaska '78, B.T.

Ruckhaus, Mike -- 1995 -- Project Manager, Design and Construction Division (1995), FS/VCAS. University of Colorado '75, B.S.C.E.; P.E.

Ruess, Diane E. -- 1989 -- Associate Professor of Library Science (1997), LIB. University of North Dakota '75, B.S.; University of Washington '79, M.L.S.

Ruess, Roger W. -- 1989 -- Professor of Botany (2001), CSEM/IAB. University of California, Irvine '74, B.S.; University of North Dakota '80, Ph.D.

Ruppert, James -- 1988 -- Professor of English and Co-Chair Alaska Native Studies (1996), CLA. State University of New York '70, B.A.; Purdue University '72, M.A.; University of New Mexico '81, Ph.D.

Russell, Gabrielle R. -- 1994 -- Admissions Counselor (1998), ADM. University of Alaska Fairbanks '94, B.A.

Rybkin, Alexei -- 1998 -- Associate Professor of Mathematics (2001), CSEM; and Instructor of Mathematics, Independent Learning Program, CDE. St. Petersburg University (Russia), '82, M.S.; '85, Ph.D.