Jingqiu Mao

Mao Group Website

Research Description

Professor Jingqiu Mao Headshot

The chemical composition of Earth’s atmosphere is changing rapidly as a result of human activity and natural variability, with implications ranging from air pollution, to human and ecosystem health, and to climate change. My research has aimed to improve and advance the scientific understanding of interactions between atmospheric chemistry, biogeochemistry, and climate to enable better predictions of the changing climate and air quality, leading to better adaptation and mitigation strategies for these changes. We use field/lab measurements, global modeling and satellite observations, to understand the evolution in time and space of the trace gas and aerosol composition of the atmosphere.

Selected Publications

  1. Mao, J., Zhao, T., Keller, C. A., Wang, X., McFarland, P. J., Jenkins, J. M., & Brune, W. H. (2021). Global impact of lightning-produced oxidants. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095740. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095740.
  2. Nicole June, Xuan Wang, L.-W. Antony Chen, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson, Xiaoliang Wang, Barron H. Henderson, Yiqi Zheng, Jingqiu Mao: Spatial and temporal variability of brown carbon in United States: implications for direct radiative effects, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL090332. https://doi. org/10.1029/2020GL090332.
  3. Zheng, Y., Thornton, J. A., Ng, N. L., Cao, H., Henze, D. K., McDuffie, E. E., Hu, W., Jimenez, J. L., Marais, E. A., Edgerton, E., and Mao, J.: Long-term observational constraints of organic aerosol dependence on inorganic species in the southeast US, Atmos. Chem. Phys. , https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2020-575, 2020.
  4. Li, J., J. Mao, J., Fiore, A. M., Cohen, R. C., Crounse, J. D., Teng, A. P., Wennberg, P. O., Lee, B. H., Lopez-Hilfiker, F. D., Thornton, J. A., Peischl, J., Pollack, I. B., Ryerson, T. B., Veres, P., Roberts, J. M., Neuman, J. A., Nowak, J. B., Wolfe, G. M., Hanisco, T. F., Fried, A., Singh, H. B., Dibb, J., Paulot, F., and Horowitz, L. W.: Decadal changes in summertime reactive oxidized nitrogen and surface ozone over the Southeast United States, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 2341-2361, 10.5194/acp-18-2341-2018, 2018. 
  5. Mao, J., Fan, S., and Horowitz, L. W.: Soluble Fe in Aerosols Sustained by Gaseous HO2 Uptake, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 4, 98-104, 10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00017, 2017.


  • Postdoc: Harvard University 2010
  • Ph.D.: Pennsylvania State University 2007
  • M.S.: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China 1999
  • B.S.: Shenzhen University, China 1995


Jingqiu Mao
Phone: 907-474-7118
Fax: 907-474-5640
Email: jmao2@alaska.edu
Geophysical Institute and Department of Chemistry
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775