I have a few questions about what trainings are actually required for me as a student
September 21, 2017
I have a few questions about what trainings are actually required for me as a student.
I received an email from the Chancellor's Office day saying that I had to do Haven
and Alcohol.edu every year. I went to the Dean of Students office website to see if
I could get an exemption to the alcohol.edu since I am well over 40 and the training
is clearly geared toward first-year students. It says Alcohol.edu is only required for students 25 years old or younger (or students of any age who reside
on campus). This does not match the email I received from the Chancellor's Office, so I am confused.
Do I have to redo alcohol.edu or don't I?
Also, why are nondegree students exempt from all of these trainings? I don't mean
to sound flippant, but are they really less likely to have issues with alcohol or
sexual discrimination/harassment/assault? It makes it all seem less sincere when a
good percentage of the population is exempt by virtue of the fact that they simply
aren't interested in getting a diploma at the moment.