• RAHI graduates from 2021 pose with their diplomas.

    RAHI applications open for summer 2022

    February 17, 2022

    The application period for the 2022 Rural Alaska Honors Institute is now open. RAHI is a competitive six-week college exploration program offered to Alaska Native and rural Alaska students with at least a 3.0 GPA following the completion of their junior or senior year of high school.
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  • Career Fair information sessions available

    February 17, 2022

    The Spring Career Fair is on Thursday, March 31 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Wood Center. Please consider setting aside 15 minutes (or less) of class time for a discussion with Career and Academic Advisor Nicole Goff on the importance of the upcoming fair.
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  • Teaching Tip: Benefits of in-semester feedback

    February 17, 2022

    Student feedback should not be an end-of-semester event, but a continuous process of collecting and responding to new ideas.
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  • Blackboard clarification

    February 16, 2022

    A communication from Blackboard on Feb. 15 led to the sharing of misinformation within the UA Blackboard community. UA Blackboard Learn is not being discontinued and courses are not being deleted, now or at any point in the foreseeable future.
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  • FairAir outreach

    Air quality research tour and discussion, part 2

    February 16, 2022

    Join over 40 scientists from across the U.S. and Europe for the second part of a two-part virtual discussion series where air quality experts will describe their science questions, show the active field site and answer community questions.
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  • Man in a field with two dogs

    Nanook Navigator and Student Success Spotlight: Trent Sutton

    February 16, 2022

    The Nanook Navigator and Student Success spotlight for February is Trent Sutton. Trent is the associate dean of academic programs and director of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity (URSA).
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  • LinkedIn Learning for staff professional development

    February 15, 2022

    UAF Staff Council is offering LinkedIn Learning licenses for professional development needs for staff at all campuses.
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  • Nominations open for Learnie Awards

    February 11, 2022

    Nominations are open for the Learnie Awards. This year's awards, "Learnies: Breakthrough," will take place on May 5, and highlight the use of open educational resources as well as student learning experiences.
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  • DEI virtual sharing forum

    February 11, 2022

    The Curricular Responsiveness Committee is requesting the experience and perspective of UAF faculty and staff to assess diversity, equity and inclusion in our programs, courses and curriculum.
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  • CNSM launches new pre-health website

    February 11, 2022

    UAF's College of Natural Science and Mathematics has launched a new pre-health website.
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  • Anupma Prakash wearing a gold dress and mask

    Friday Focus: I've declared it spring!

    February 10, 2022

    I find myself smiling more when I see light outside my office window, and it warms my heart to see the UAF community engaged in planning activities across all our campuses building up momentum to Spring Break festivities.
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  • Smiling woman in a library

    Goolsby named new Kuskokwim campus director

    February 10, 2022

    The College of Rural and Community Development is excited to announce the hiring of Carolyn Goolsby as the new director of the Kuskokwim Campus.
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  • Staff Council offers professional development support

    February 09, 2022

    UAF Staff Council is offering financial support for conference registrations; professional memberships or dues; online classes outside of LinkedIn Learning; online training courses; and miscellaneous professional development needs.
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  • LinkedIn Learning licenses available

    February 09, 2022

    UAF Staff Council is offering LinkedIn Learning licenses for professional development needs to all campuses. LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com, has thousands of professional online courses.
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  • Spring employee training offerings

    February 09, 2022

    University of Alaska Human Resources is announcing three upcoming training opportunities for spring 2022.
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  • Join the new Research Integrity Committee

    February 08, 2022

    The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Office of Research Integrity are pleased to announce the formation of the Research Integrity Committee. The committee's goal is to foster a high standard of ethical behavior for UAF research.
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  • Inclusive excellence forum now online

    February 07, 2022

    A recording of the Feb. 3 Chancellor's Forum on inclusive excellence is available to view online. The forum focused on how UAF is creating a culture where everyone thrives and all members of the university community are connected, safe and successful.
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  • Julie Queen

    Friday Focus: Putting strengths into practice

    February 04, 2022

    --By Julie Queen. The message from the chancellor last week highlighting an effort to "assume best intent" is also currently a topic of discussion in our Administrative Services Director's (VCAS) team meetings. This idea raises good questions about perception.
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  • February Teaching Spotlight: Frank Boldt

    February 02, 2022

    Frank Boldt, a clinical assistant professor of justice, will lead a teaching presentation and Q&A on Friday, Feb. 11, from noon-1 p.m. via Zoom.
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  • Teaching Tip: Use CircleIn to build community

    February 01, 2022

    Sharing student success tools, like CircleIn, to your students can assist them in building community, engaging with resources, and improving essential study habits and confidence.
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  • Community Mental Health Clinic taking new clients

    January 31, 2022

    The UAF Community Mental Health Clinic is accepting new clients. Graduate-level counseling students are accepting new clients for 50-minute Telehealth counseling sessions occurring once per week from Jan. 10 to April 28.
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  • Graphic portrait of author bell hooks

    Black History Month events at UAF

    January 31, 2022

    The Nanook Diversity and Action Center invites you to 2022 Black History Month festivities. This year UAF's Black History Month celebration is dedicated to bell hooks and her legacy.
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  • Black and white photo of a smiling woman with long hair

    Leadership transition at eCampus

    January 28, 2022

    Jenn Pedersen will step in as the interim executive director for eCampus until a permanent director is put in place and will be responsible for overall management of eCampus.
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  • Smiling man with a beard and a blue suit

    Friday Focus: Back to the dialogue agreements (again)

    January 28, 2022

    I have written about, or referred to the dialogue agreements quite a few times in my Friday Focus columns over the last couple years. They focus around being present, respecting each other, and creating physical and psychological safety.
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  • A UAF diploma cover

    Details for 2022 UAF Commencement

    January 26, 2022

    This year UAF will celebrate commencement on Saturday, April 30, 2022, at the Carlson Center in Fairbanks, with two short, student-centered ceremonies.
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