Don't Cancel Class Workshops

The workshops below can take the place of your class in case of an emergency or necessary cancellation. These workshops and trainings provide information on a variety of topics, some of which may relate to your course content. These workshops and trainings are also available for your departments and staff. Please reach out the contact for the workshop you would like.

Almost all workshop lengths and topics can be adjusted to fit your needs. If you would like general information, please contact SLI at

* Advanced notice is appreciated and last minute requests are not guaranteed

Safe Zone Ally Training

2 hours (Time length can be adjusted if needed)
This workshop covers the distinctions between sex, gender, and sexual orientation as well as terminology. Participants will also be provided information about being an ally and resources available on campus and in the community.
Contact Jo Malbert-Narvaez: uaf-ndac@alaska.edu907-474-6369 Intersectionality Workshop

Intersectionality Workshop

1-1.5 hours (Time length can be adjusted if needed)
This workshop helps students reflect on their own identities and how it affects the way that they experience life. Students will gain a perspective on others' experiences and recognize the diverse experiences of those around them.
Contact Jo Malbert-Narvaez: uaf-ndac@alaska.edu907-474-6369 

QPR Suicide Prevention Training

1.5 hrs
Community based suicide prevention training.
Contact Caitlin Cameron: |907-474-6368

Greendot Bystander Training

1.5 hrs
The UAF Green Dot strategy is a violence prevention program based on empowering bystanders. When people attend our trainings, they learn to recognize potentially harmful situations and how to safely intervene.
Contact Caitlin Cameron: |907-474-6368

Resume Tips & Tricks

1 hr (Time length can be adjusted if needed)
If you're interested in using our services as a part of your course or student organization, please contact us at least two weeks in advance from the planned date of your event.
Contact Bekah Olson: 907-474-7596

Anti-Bullying/Harrassment Workshop

1 hr (Time length can be adjusted if needed)
How to recognize bullying, intervene, and support victims. Receive resources & support for those impacted by bullying. 
Contact Caitlin Cameron: |907-474-6368

Self-Care Planning

1 hr (Time length can be adjusted if needed)
Workshop to develop a comprehensive self-care plan.
Contact Caitlin Cameron: |907-474-6368