
UAF presentation template 2022
Download instructions

Presentation templates are available for Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint. Google Slides are available to all UA affiliates through Google Apps @UA. Microsoft applications can be downloaded and installed from the OIT Software Center.

See specific instructions below for each format.


Google Slides presentation 1
Google Slides presentation 1

Google Slides instructions:

  • Sign into Google Slides using your UA username and password.
  • Select the "Template gallery" toggle in the upper right of the screen to choose from available UAF presentation templates.
  • Click the down arrow in the middle of the screen underneath the "presentation designs" section to find the UAF branded templates.

Microsoft PowerPoint instructions:

Download templates by right-clicking on the download link and saving the file to your computer so your browser doesn't attempt to open the file directly. Presentation templates are downloaded as a compressed zip file. To extract zip file contents, once downloaded, right-click the zip file and select "Extract All" for Windows, or double-click for Macs.

This template uses the fonts Zilla Slab, Barlow and Saira Condensed which are available for download from Google Fonts. This file contains sample slides with some commonly used layouts. Alternate slide layouts are accessed from the Layout dropdown on the Home tab or when inserting a new slide from the Insert tab.