Degrees & Programs Offered

Undergraduate Degree Program


Minor, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies


Women, gender and sexuality studies offer an interdisciplinary minor focusing on women, gender and sexuality in historical and contemporary experiences. 

 Students must complete a minimum of 15 credits of coursework. Every student must take WGS F201X Introduction to Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies and at least an additional 12 credits. Additional credits from courses cross-listed with WGS and that are from two or more disciplines are subject to the approval of a women, gender and sexuality studies advisor.


 Science and Intersectionality
Featured Course

WGS F313      Science & Intersectionality: Race, Gender and Sexuality
3 Credits

Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

This course introduces students to the complex factors that impact our experience in and connection to science and the environment. Using intersectionality as the framework to guide the discussion, students will consider critical aspects of self, including gender, race, sexuality and disability status.