
A review of some research in progress: Sub-alpine rangeland requires careful management; Agronomists evaluate native grasses; Green Gold (grass seed collected from Hope, Alaska; USDA ire summary ratings under scrutiny; Agricultural engineer monitors weather; Phosphorus important to Kenai barley; Pea project [frozen vegetables] shows promise; Low temperature storage increases fresh lettuce sales; Soil tests measure nutrients; Warm-season vegetables thrive on polyethylene-insulated soils; Barley varieties for Alaska; Vegetable growers battle turnip maggot; Mink feed from fish wastes; Limnanthes: a potential oilseed crop; Policy Planning: key to progress in agriculture; Economist analyzes demand for fresh veal in Fairbanks.

Dairy production...enterprise...with good potential; Dairy cows; Vegetables in Alaska; Ornamentals [grass, flowers, bedding plants; Small fruit development [air freight business/markets]; Red meat possibilities [research needed]; Soil picture in Alaska; land development requires research; Climate data from around Alaska; How can you help agriculture in Alaska?

Scientific tour of the pipeline route; Stretching the forage production season; Merits of irrigation in Alaska; Red fescue, a valuable species; Coffee, tea, or milk? [experiment station survey/what people in Fairbanks drink; Unusual test at Petersburg [can sonic booms affect mink birth and growth?]'; Potato skin spot, a northern disease; A hardy strawberry: 'Alaska Pioneer'; Weeds studied for strengths and weaknesses; Cobalt's a must in cattle diet; Revegetation problems and progress; To interview a cow [herd observed on subalpine range]; Lack of sulfur limits plant growth. Publications list for 1969.

Alaska Frostless' [potato variety] holds promise; D. H. Dinkel: Alaska's custom-made scientist; L. J. Klebesadel: He makes hay while the sun shines; Paul Martin: He does the station's dirty work; C. L. Branton; He helped in building breakthrough [construction / vapor barriers]; Lee Allen: As an engineer, he's in high demand; Charles Marsh: Always looking for new markets; William Mitchell: Conservation is his business; Arthur Brundate: He watches over Alaska's dairy herd; NC-64 committee meets in Alaska: a regional effort to solve scientific problems; Winston Laughlin: Keeping an eye on soil nutrients; Sigmund Restad: experiment station's 'crying towel' [executive officer]; Wayne Burton: a real place in the research picture [agriculture economist]; James Leekley: Some 2,000 mink are in his charge; Charles Logsdon: He specializes in vegetable disease; Roscoe Taylor: Development of cereal crops has two goals; Richard Washburn: His work is usually full of bugs; Frank Wooding: an exciting program for 1971 [triticale].

Ecology, environment, and agriculture; Fermented, high-moisture barley; Apples in Alaska; Native Alaska legumes studied; Low-temperature fungi; Two sources of nitrogen for bromegrass; Time of planting critical for Alaska grass seed growers; Freeze-branding cattle; Energy measurements in a subpolar environment; Frozen french fries for Alaska; Oat varieties for forage; Alaska veal for the Alaska consumer; Resurgence noted in Alaska cutworms; Views...[future range livestock production]; So many questions, so few answers; Distinguished and charming visiting scientist [Yvonne Aitken]. Publications list for 1970.

Nitrogen metabolism in potato tubers; Vapor barriers in Alaska construction; Grain breeding for better cereals; An ounce of Potassium is worth a pound of potatoes; Solving a pair of problems in mink ranching; Studying nitrogen metabolism [in potatoes]; Obituary: Dr. Allan Mack; Importance of a vapor barrier; Dr. Wayne Thomas joins faculty; Grain breeding shows success...; Solving the potassium deficiency mystery; Dr. Peter C. Lin joins agricultural economics research; A good fish diet for mink.

The surplus dairy calf; Research insect collection; Increased soil temperature / plastic mulches; New Alaska grasses excel in winterhardiness; Diced summer squash, new Alaska frozen food; High protein grain in interior Alaska; New tool for land preparation in Alaska; Which Alaska plants are poisonous to livestock; Will remote sensing give us the answer?; Internal parasites in Alaska cattle; Economic factors in Alaska milk marketing; Fiddleheads, trick or treat?; Lettuce storage problems, 1971; new cereal varieties for Alaska; Processed crab waste, valuable as a liming agent; Red fescue and bluegrass rank high in frequent-cut test. Publications list for 1971.

Lawrence Davis: reindeer owner; Bannons grow vegetables on scenic farm [Mary and Al Bannon]; Marie Fett wanted fresh eggs [Lee Fett and Marie]; Ann Dolney turns hobby into business [Ann and Ed Dolney]; Russell James does his gardening under glass; It's not Kansas, but Alaska! [OHM grain/hog venture, Ed Merdes and Jim Harding]; Profile of a Matanuska Dairy Farm [Myrtle Gislason, Bob McCombs, Merlie McCombs, Fairview Dairies]; Holmes family runs Aleutian Islands sheep ranch [Milt Holmes, Beverly Holms at Unalaska]; Visit to a Kodiak cattle range [Burton Ranch: Kathy Burton, Bill Burton, Jim Burton, Toni Burton]; The Robert Mielkes, Matanuska valley potato farmers [Evelyn Mielke, Robert]; McKee family runs Fairbanks area hog ranch [Don McKee, Alice McKee].

1972 meat prices down in Fairbanks and Seattle; Controlled environment agriculture (CEA); Agricultural climatologists meet in Alaska; Preserving Alaska's wood products by double diffusion; Nitrogen fertilization of polar bromegrass; Soil testing as a research tool; Milton Barzee new agronomist at Palmer; Photoperiod / Nyctoperiod pattern in autumn critical to grasses in Alaska; Pumpkins, polyethylene, and photoperiod; Alaska Plant Materials Center, a new institution; Research progress with alfalfa in Alaska; New swine research facility; comparison of oat-pea and barley-pea silage as feed for dairy cows; Barley yields on summer-fallowed and stubble land; Wheat research in Alaska; Using native plant resources for conservation; Rotary plow gives yeoman service; Basil Bensin dies at 91; New potato Varieties for diversification and specialized markets; Controlling Alaskan insects without chemicals; Private campgrounds in Alaska. Publications list [1972/1973].

Grains in Seward's icebox; Examination of the salad vegetable market of Anchorage; sweet holygrass, a potentially valuable ally; Alfalfa pellets increase dry matter and protein of oat-pea silage; Prospecting for green gold [native grassland forage]; Phosphorus fixation problems in some Alaska soils; Winter stresses affecting overwintering crops in the Matanuska Valley; Native bluejoint: a valuable forage and germplasm resource; Beekeeping in Alaska; Barley response to phosphorus and lime; Super bird's eye view of Alaska [satellite imaging]; Early sweet corn for Alaska; Two researchers join IAS staff to develop controlled environment agriculture in Alaska [Hertha S. Guthrie, Delbert D. Hemphill, Jr.]; Agronomists on the banks of the Sagavanirktok; In Memoriam: Milton A. Barzee; Publications list for 1973 [Also see Vol 5, No. 1].

A look at forage research in the Soviet Union: Alaska's interests; Red turnip beetle; Climate reversals and Alaska's grasslands; Modern dairy cow; Report on the Western Governor's Conference; Volcanic-ash affected soils of southcentral Alaska, some chemical and mineralogical properties; Production tips: cauliflower, swiss chard, beet, spinach, cucumber, potato, summer squash; Small grains on agricultural land in remote areas; Thomas E. Loynachan joins Palmer staff; In memoriam: John C. Brinsmade; Publications list for 1974.

Flowering shrubs used in phenological net; Vegetable variety trials...; Avoid fertilizers with low phosphorus content and containing nitric phosphates; Measuring feed quality by proxy; Native grass seed enters commercial production; Early planting is important to Alaska growers of bluegrass and red fescue seed; Photo: plots reveal arctic secrets; New director, James V. Drew; New staff: Tony Gasbarro, Kenneth L. Casavant; Leonard K. Johnson; Frederic M. Husby; Publications list for 1975.

Outdoor recreation research in Alaska; Trade interdependencies...Alaska and Washington; Evaluating Alaska soils; Meat price trends in Fairbanks and Seattle, 1973-1975; Timothy yield and composition as influenced by lime and nitrogen applications to Kachemak soil series; Unusual autumn temperature pattern; consumer reaction to CEA vegetables; Quality of bluejoint hay; High-level panel reviews Alaska's agricultural research needs; Publications list for 1976.

Agricultural field day at Aniak; Low-cost, year-around calf housing; Biological nitrogen fixation in natural and agricultural situations in Alaska; Some research on turfgrasses in Fairbanks; The pH of Bodenburg silt loam soil as related to forest cover and time under cultivation; Wild rice trials in Alaska; Rehabilitation of bare sites in interior Alaska; Crisp green salad at forty below; Potato storage management in Alaska; Who Cares? [Agroborealis questionnaire]; An oilseed crop looks promising for interior Alaska [rapeseed]; Publications list for 1977.

Homer beef production project; Hay quality survey for Homer project; Gains of beef calves during winter-feeding and summer grazing, lower Kenai Peninsula, Alaska; Managing native bluejoint reedgrass for forage production; Cool heads and warm feet [soil warming research]; Rampart Agricultural Experiment Station, 1900-1925; Brief biography of George T. Gasser; Iceland: productive northland; Delta-Clearwater lands opened for agricultural use, 2,000-acre clearing trials project; Delta dust? Soil management on agricultural land in interior Alaska; 'Summerred' Apple, a delightful addition to 'Chinese Golden Early' and 'Rescue' eating apples for southcentral Alaska; Asian markets for Alaska's agricultural products; Woodland nutrient cycling, an important consideration in renewable resource management; In memoriam: Dr. Richard H. Washburn; Publications list for 1978

AFES notes; Wholesale pricing of locally grown cut roses in Fairbanks, Alaska; Importance of vase life in marketing locally grown roses; maximizing the vase life of cut roses grown in Alaska; Pruning strategies for greenhouse rose production in Alaska; Food irradiation and Alaska's food industries; Equations for predicting energy values of Alaska feedstuffs; Effect of six gypsum rates on bromegrass yield and chemical composition; Inoculation of alfalfa in Alaska; Publications list for 1987.

Changing Pattern in small-grain silage mixtures in Alaska; Biological catalyst [BIO-CAT soil additive] leaves bromegrass, barley, and wheat yields and bromegrass composition unchanged; Land application of sludge; Marketing Alaska's roses; Agriculture and wildlife, are they compatible in Alaska?; Simple structure for plant environment enhancement; Natural revegetation of dredge tailings at Fox, Alaska; Techniques for continuous and improved vegetable harvests, the effects of plant spacing, transplanting, and direct seeding; Optimum herd structure in Alaska reindeer herds; Plant diseases: a potential threat to Delta barley; Rust diseases on white spruce in Alaska; Persistence of herbicides 2,4-D and Picloram in Alaska soils north of latitude 60º; Responses of arctic tundra to intensive muskox grazing; Alaska-developed grass varieties coming into use; Persistence and movement of agricultural chemicals in soils in the Delta-Clearwater area; Notes; News and comment: Delta Agricultural Project: success or failure?; Publications list for 1980.

Strip mine [stripmine] reclamation and wildlife in Alaska; Project agriculture: an experience in the southern hemisphere; Climatic trends in the interior of Alaska: moving toward a high CO2 world?; Forestry in Sweden and Finland: its applicability to interior Alaska; Cultured biological product [Agrispon] provides no beneficial effects on barley or bromegrass; barley whole-wheat quick bread, a potential use for Alaska grains; Grasses and their uses in Alaska; Using the recreation concept plan technique to assess public choice; Notes; Fertilizer requirements for barley grown on newly cleared land in Alaska's interior; Beefalo in Alaska; Rapeseed response to seeding rate, row spacing and nitrogen application; Vegetation studies for the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project; Potential markets for ducks, geese, and rabbits in Alaska; Village-based plan for the small-scale production of ducks, geese, and rabbits; Solar energy for grain drying in Alaska; Nitrogen: transformations and availability in Alaska soils; Alaska's bison, a game biologist's range-management problem; Retired: Dr. Curtis H. Dearborn; Toward a system of grazing fees for state rangelands in Alaska; Crab meal, a local protein source for the Alaska dairy industry; Intensive forest management: the Bonanza Creek demonstration project; Publications list for 1981.

Conservation tillage research in Interior Alaska; Soil moisture and temperature as influenced by fall and spring tillage systems; Planting and fertilizing options in barley production; Recreation planning in the White Mountains National Recreation Area; Limestone landscapes of the White Mountains; Valuing outdoor recreational opportunities; Influence of a complete fertilizer on soil pH and available NO3 -N,P,m and K in Kachemak silt loam; Computer comes to Alaska farming; Changes in weed-species assemblage with increasing field age; Increased or decreased energy [Susitna hydroelectric project] for moose?; Undergraduate degree encompasses new options in forestry and agriculture; Spinach Creek watershed; Tissue culture; Effect of feeding whole-grain barley to free-ranging and penned reindeer; Public policy and the future of Alaska's reindeer industry; Does feeding crab meal to dairy cows adversely milk taste?; Notes; Publications list for 1982.

Soil fertility considerations for barley and oat forage production at Point MacKenzie; What happens to fertilizer nitrogen?; Using Alaska feeds in dairy nutrition research; Earthen storage basin [for manure] for dairy farms in Alaska; Research associated with registration of pesticides and drugs in Alaska; Growing winter grains in Alaska; Introduction and suitability of Icelandic horses in northwestern Alaska; A grass from Alaska gives promising results in Alaska; Far-north-adapted bluegrasses from areas with rigorous winter climate perform best in southcentral Alaska; Do slow-release nitrogen fertilizers have an advantage for lawn fertilization in southcentral Alaska?; Cooperative Extension Service publishes major report [Alaska's Agriculture and Forestry, Alaska Rural Development Council Publication No. 3]; Publication list for 1983.

AES Notes; Evaluation of plants used for strip mine reclamation near Healy, Alaska; native Alaskan pumpelly Bromegrass: characteristics and potential for use; Lingonberry cultivation; Monitoring the activity of root maggots; Rhizoctonia disease of potato; Frost seeding of rapeseed; conservation-tillage and residue-management systems for interior Alaska; Factors affecting the palatability of reindeer meat; Alaska's agricultural lands: some issues in public policy; Forest management for interior Alaska: can products justify costs?

AFES Notes; Forest landscapes of interior Alaska; Moose-browsing damage in a recently thinned stand of sapling paper birch in interior Alaska; Rosie Creek Fire; Critical importance of north-latitude adaptation for dependable winter survival of perennial plants in Alaska; findings on turfgrasses and their management; animal distribution limits range utilization; Status of selenium in Alaska; Representative rivers: a research program based on management decision-making; Interior Alaska crops respond to boron applications;Publications list for 1984.

AFES Notes; Barley breeding in Alaska; Barley response to phosphorus and lime: results of applications to Horizons from homestead silt loam; Soil-temperature monitoring network in Alaska; Automated environmental data collection for research in remote locations; Soil conservation in Alaska: past and present; Beach wildrye: characteristics and uses of a native Alaska grass of uniquely coastal distribution; Alternaria seedling blight of lobelia; River recreation management research: a decision-making framework applied to the Kenai River; Predicting the growth and yield of interior Alaska forests; Mycorrhizae: a review of the importance of fungi from high-latitude forests of Alaska; In memoriam: John Brooks III.

Federal support of agricultural research, a White House perspective; Notice of release of 'Norton' tufted hairgrass; AFES notes; Use of Plant growth regulator on barley to prevent lodging; Natural selection may modify introduced white clover toward superior winterhardiness; Effect of phosphorus and potassium on alsike clover; Plant-parasitic nematodes in Alaska soils; Helping your greeenhouse help you; Wintering beef cows on Alaska barley and subsequent selenium status; Feeding tanner crab meal to Holstein dairy calves; Who's planning Alaska? [natural resource management]; Cross-country skiers in interior Alaska; Amenity values of farmland; Publications list for 1985.

AFES notes; Notice of release of 'Kenai' polargrass; Trip report: a visit to the Swedish reindeer industry, 1986; Whole-grain yeast bread and consumer acceptability using hull-less barley grown in Alaska; Observations of effects on agricultural soils of the artificial enhancement of snowmelt in interior Alaska; Performance, costs, and value of Holstein steers fed a corn diet or an Alaska barley diet; Effect of basic-H on vegetable and agronomic crops and soil fertility at Point MacKenzie; Effect of lime and four phosphorus rates on yield of head lettuce, table beets, and carrots at Pt. MacKenzie; Denitrification in floodplain successional soils of the Tanana River in interior Alaska; Publications list for 1986.

AFES notes; Wholesale pricing of locally grown cut roses in Fairbanks, Alaska; Importance of vase life in marketing locally grown roses; maximizing the vase life of cut roses grown in Alaska; Pruning strategies for greenhouse rose production in Alaska; Food irradiation and Alaska's food industries; Equations for predicting energy values of Alaska feedstuffs; Effect of six gypsum rates on bromegrass yield and chemical composition; Inoculation of alfalfa in Alaska; Publications list for 1987.

AFES Notes, cooperation in agricultural science between Siberia and Alaska; Internation cooperation in cropping systems research between Alaska and Siberia; Musk Oxen exchange offers researchers new opportunities; Germplasm exchange program; A preliminary look at effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on Green Island research natural area; Land farming of oil sludge at Valdez oil terminal; History of the Alaska reindeer industry and its problems with land use, ownership and marketing; A profile of Interior Alaska dog mushers; Hulless barley and crab shell in diets fed to steers; A class project in information transfer: An effective application of learning by doing; Alaskan food costs: Do we really pay more for a nutritionally balanced diet?; Permit reform in Alaska's coastal zone

AFES Notes; Cooperation in agricultural science between Siberia and Alaska; International cooperation in cropping systems research between Alaska and Siberia; Musk oxen exchange offers researchers new opportunities; Germplasm exchange program; Preliminary look at effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on Green Island research natural area; Land farming of oil sludge at Valdez oil terminal; History of the Alaska reindeer industry and its problems with land use, ownership, and marketing; Profile of interior Alaska dog mushers; Hulless barley and crab shell in diets fed to steers; Class project in information transfer: an effective application of learning by doing [natural resource management]; Alaska food costs: do we really pay more for a nutritionally balanced diet?; Permit reform in Alaska's coastal zone; Publications list for 1989.

AFES Notes; Economics of reindeer rangeland; Reindeer meat: relationship among dietary fat, flavor, and acceptability; Game production, agricultural diversification for Alaska?; Return to Green Island; Arctic tundra rehabilitation, observations of progress and benefits to Alaska; Strip mine reclamation and Alaska's big game wildlife; From boreal forest to reclaimed site, revegetation at the Usibelli coal mine; Cuisine and cure on the Dalton Highway [native plants, wildflowers]; Endangered Aleutian shield-fern grows at the University of Alaska Fairbanks; Agricultural research cooperation continues between Alaska and Siberia; Alaska as seen by Russian exchange student; Publications list for 1990.

Game farm management; Restructured steaks, a potential product from Alaskan reindeer; History of national forest planning; Charles Christian Georgeson, a man with a vision; Georgeson Botanical Garden; Gravel vegetation experiments, Alaska North Slope; Lessons from the Tunalik test well site No. 1, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska; Of moose and mines; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Models for management, megabytes for insights; On the meridian of friendship, Soviet and American scientists; Alaska Grown, implementation of a positive agricultural policy; Ping and Sharratt monitor wetlands; Publications list for 1991.

U.S. rangeland technology: rehabilitating Russia's oil, gas production sites; Forest management; Impact of public trust doctrine on natural resources management; wetlands: an editorial perspective; travelers eye Alaska's scenic viewpoints; Gaia hypothesis, old questions, new forms;Publications list for 1992.

(Annual Report) Transmittal letter; Statement of purpose; Board of Advisors; Baked Alaska, scientist examines temperature trends; Farewell Dr. Carla Kirts; People, activities, accomplishments;1992 research review [see Vol. 25, No. 1 for 1992 publications list]; Financial Statement and Funding; Professional Staff.

Dean reports on school's strategic plan, focus; Associate dean discusses new research, new methods, new tools; Back to the farm [researchers...take experiments to the people]; CO2, better in the Arctic?; Cochrans work, play, stay together [Verlan Cochran, Diana Cochran]; Scientist harnesses dog power [Jeff Conn]; Southeast alaska's temperate rainforests; Understanding natural disturbance regimes helps forest managers make sound management decisions; doctoral candidate vows to make a difference [Robert Ott]; Researchers probe Hagemeister Island reindeer die-off of 1991; Alaska, don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg [outdoor recreation, nonresident tourism]; Examining a part of the forest ecosystem puzzle [boreal forest, alder and white spruce]; Art meets science [Darleen Masiak]; Students ask questions, question all answers [Natural Resource Management 495, bioregionalism]; Profiles [Birgit Njastad, Greg Robbe; AFES notes; Delta Junction field day.

Editor's Comments (surveying readers); News [USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) closes; Delta bison herd conflict; NRM 215 [plant propagation]; Air layerings, division tips [plant propagation]; Dreams of helping Jonnie grow [gardening nurtures minds, Georgeson Botanical Garden, children and gardening]; Northern belle exudes southern charm, Carolyne Wallace administers SALRM's office for 23 years; coordinator enrolls people skills to enhance student retention [student recruiter, Barbara Pierson]; SALRM welcomes new, returning students; SALRM students plant Senator Murkowski's tree of honor; AFES honors women in Agriculture [Lois M. Lintelman, Cyndie Warbelow-Tack; Suus Vanderweele]; AFES research farm open house in Delta Junction; Highlights and happenings; Undergrad never gives up [Jeanne Pigors]; Graduate student strives to quench his knowledge thirst [Tim Hammond]; In memoriam: Dr. Roscoe Taylor.

(Annual Report) Harvesting a career, dean and director retires after 20 [years] [Dr. James V. Drew]; Reflections, Dr. Drew shares thoughts on agricultural development, views on Alaska's resources; Good-bye! Van Cleve, Hartman retire [Dr. Keith Van Cleve; Chick Hartman]; A matter of taste [consumer marketing, sensory testing, NRM 310, honey, carrots, barley pancakes, salsa; Research achievements: Plant, Animal, and Soil Sciences, Forest Sciences, Resources Management;Publications list for 1994; FY95 research funding; Financial Statement; Professional staff; Notes (achievements, activities, news).

AFES notes [Dr. Fredric Husby acting dean, Dr. Allen Mitchell acting director, SALRM supports PBS Alaska One]; Yes alaska, agriculture is viable in Delta Junction; Station research at work in Delta Junction, Alaska; Experiment Station yields results; Agronomist discusses nitrogen fixation; Who wants to weed anyway [grass clipping mulch]; Agronomic crops for interior Alaska; Technology improves Palmer's laboratory research capabilities [Palmer Research Center]; Brewing up an Alaska crop, graduate student, researchers try growing hops; NRM 310, agricultural concepts [marketing, carrots]; NRM 453, students learn to harvest [and] use forest for products; Want to farm in Alaska?, Advice from someone who's doing it; Dr. Bonita J. Neiland, professor emeritus, reflects on professional accomplishments; Dave Liebersbach, Class of '88; Honoring Alaska's 1995 women in Agriculture [Jeannette Braiser, Joanne Marie Mosesian, Edna Anderson]; People, news and happenings.

(Annual Report) Propagating Asiatic hybrid lilies; Researchers judge science fairs; Establishing Alaska wildflower meadows; Research achievements: Plant, Animal and Soil Sciences, Forest Sciences, Resources Management;Publications list for 1995; FY 96 research funding; Financial statement; Young masters two programs [Christina Young]; Achievements, activities, news.

Accredited: forest science department; Resource managers gather info [Geographic Information Systems (GIS)]; Using GIS to solve problems for Alaska [Geographic Information Systems]; Arctic tundra revegetation; Remote satellite spectral analysis in Bosnia i Hercegovina; Assessing Bosnia forest damage using remote satellite sensing; Restoring spruce beetle-impacted forests in Alaska [effects of the spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis)]; Rejuvenating the land, converting mined lands to thriving ecological communities; Tundra plant succession and vascular plant species diversity; Bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil using fish bonemeal [oil pollution, polluted soil]; Characteristics of permafrost soils along a latitudinal transect in arctic Alaska; Wetlands could hold the answer [sewage treatment]; Faculty, students, and alumni in the news.

(Annual Report) State of the station, school address; Researchers develop a megatransect [remote sensing, global climate change]; Plants that weren't tough enough [inadequate snow cover, winterkill, Georgeson Botanical Garden]; Research achievements: Plant, Animal, and Soil Sciences, Forest Sciences, Resources Management;Publications list for 1996; FY97 research funding; financial statement; professional staff profile; Achievements, activities, news; Retirements [K. C. Christianson, Bob Schlentner; J. Stephen Lay, Don Brainard, Warren Fiscus].

[History]100 years of agricultural research in Alaska; Alaska's first agricultural experiment station: Sitka, 1898-1931; Kodiak Station; Kenai Station, Rampart Agricultural Experiment Station, 1900-1925; Copper Center Station; Fairbanks Station; Matanuska Station; Palmer Research Center; Charles christian georgeson; George T. Gasser; Last frontier's sweet nectar: strawberries; Alaska's reindeer industry; Alaska's agriculture; Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations transfer to college; News: 1997 Alaska woman in agriculture [Ileen Hollembaek], [obituary] Arvo Kallio, 1917-1997.

(Annual Report) Honeybees tested as pollinators; Faculty profiles; AFES-celebrating 100 years of agricultural research in Alaska; Palmer station hosts 2nd Agriculture Appreciation Day as part of the AFES centennial Celebration; Research achievements: Plant, Animal, and Soil Sciences, Forest Sciences, Resources Management;Publications list for 1997; Financial Statement; FY98 research funding; Achievements, activities, news.

Wetlands and botanical gardens, an educational opportunity; Educational outreach at the Georgeson Botanical Garden; A day at the Georgeson Botanical Garden; Third Circumpolar Agricultural Conference was in Anchorage; AFES hosts FFA students, a partnership for agriscience education; The GLOBE Program: Global learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment; Bonanza Creek Schoolyard LTER [long term ecological research program]; Distance [education] delivery, SALRM reaches out; Reindeer for education and research; Initial forest stand density and wood quality, a preliminary report [Alaska's Northern Forest]; Arctic tundra recovery from crude oil after 24 years, Prudhoe Bay [oil pollution]; Wildlife and vegetation find habitat niches in oil field gravel pad; New: 1998 Woman in Agriculture Award [Evelyn Bush], forestry curriculum, Dr. Susan Todd chairs UAF trails committee; Dr. Charlie Knight recognized.

(Annual Report) Constructed wetlands for treating wastewater [sewage treatment]; faculty profile; Research achievements: Plant, Animal and Soil Sciences, Forest Sciences, Resources Management;Publications list for 1998; FY 99 research funding; Achievements, activities, news. [Mary Boyd and Kith Magoon retire; Milan Shipka joins faculty.

Planting trees in the Aleutians; Climate change and growth of white spruce in South-Central Alaska; Northern tansy mustard fills a niche; Silviculture systems for Alaska's Northern Forest; Wavelength-selective mulches and tomato production in Fairbanks, Alaska; Musk ox, historical industry looks toward the future; Hey, I thought I say Rudolph in the hallway! [reindeer program educational outreach]; What Next? Agenda for Alaska agriculture in the 21st Century; Historical perspective, Delta ag project [agriculture history]; What's a grower to do? [essay]; 1999 Alaska women in agriculture [Patricia Fellman, Marsha Melton]; SALRM student news; Faculty news.

(Annual Report) Can mulch mats help regenerate beetle-killed spruce forests?; Faculty profiles; Plant, animal, and soil sciences research; Forest sciences research; Resources management research; Faculty publications [Publications list for 1999] FY00 research funding; Financial statement; Dean Husby retires [Fred Husby]; News and notes; Wallace retires [Carolyne Wallace].

Inventory of grasses along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, 1999; Boreal Alkaligrass (Puccinellia borealis), is this the one? [tundra revegetation]; Implementation of silvicultural systems for Alaska's Northern Forest; Innovative ways of implementing global change education in K-12 classrooms; UA President mark Hamilton on education and agriculture; SALRM 2001 graduates; 2001 scholarship recipients; News and notes: Women in Agriculture Award [Kathy Burton]

Reindeer research, intensive management may be key [caribou]; Palmer Research Center [devil's club, improving turfgrasses, leafy greens, Palmer laboratories]; Northern exposure for hoppers [grasshopper research]; Fairbanks Experiment Farm; Georgeson botanical Garden; Taiga ecology [boreal forest]; Trip to Iceland [Fourth Circumpolar Agricultural Conference]; Field trip to Hawaii; News and notes: new staff, student awards, faculty news and grants, Women in Agriculture Award [Mary Andrews; Tribute to Marsha Melton.

Perceptual geography [sense of place, high plains]; Hands-on science education [GLOBE, elementary school teacher training]; Fresh raspberries in March [greenhouse production]; Computer modeling: fire, climate, and the boreal forest [wildfire, forest fires, climate change]; Research [summaries]: USDA Agricultural Research Service, Forest Sciences, Geography, Resources Management, Plant, Animal, and Soil Sciences.Publications list for 2001; Faculty

Peony--A Future Crop for Alaska? [field cut flower crop, peony]; Alternative Livestock in Alaska: Bison to Yaks [alternative livestock]; The Legacy of Aldo Leopold [land use policy, ethics]; The Wolf Control Issue [wildlife management, wolf]; Cooperative Research and Knowledge Transfer at SNRAS [Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Integrated Pest Management, Food Technology, Plant Germ Plasm, North and West Alaska Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies, Regional Resilience and Adaptation]; 2002/2003 SNRAS Graduates and Senior Theses [summaries]; Permafrost and Ponds [climate change, climate warming, permafrost, lake level changes, remote sensing, GIS].

Birch: white gold in the boreal forest [birch, birch syrup]; Invasive Plants in Alaska: assessment of research priorities [invasive plants management]; A Winter Delta Dig [tillage, soil]; Students Afield! Natural Resources Management 290 [field course]; Jobs for Credit [internships]; The North Jarvis Stand Conversion Project [wildfire, resources management]; Antioxidants in the North [berries, antioxidants]; Shapeshifter Carbon: a universal building block [carbon cycle, climate change, tree growth, soils, wildfire].

Reindeer inspire new teaching guide [education, alternative livestock]; Susan Willsrud & Calypso Farm [education, sustainable agriculture]; The wildlife viewing challenge [tourism, wildlife management]; Taxonomy and evolution of Alaska birches; Birch use in the former Soviet Republics; Heavenly garden, earthly pursuits [Georgeson Botanical Garden].

Fire in Interior Alaska [fire; resource management; computer modeling]; Wetlands and Wastewater Treatment in Alaska [wetlands; waste management]; Research Crops Do Double Duty [agronomy; Fairbanks Community Food Bank]; Agronomic crops for Alaska; Remembering Mike [Mike Hoyt, forest sciences]; Wilmking wins prize [forest sciences; ecology; climate change]; Preparing for wildfire: a short guide for homeowners; Fire-resistant landscaping; Who is B.O.B.? [observation technology;invasive plants; mapping; photography]

Morels: a morsel after the fire (Update: Check with appropriate land managers to see if permits are required for picking morels.) [morel mushrooms; nontimber forest products]; Students and environmental ethics: "Towards a Personal Environmental Ethic" [ethics, black howler monkey, Belize], "A Soiled Epiphany" [consumption, ethics, resource management, soil conservation], "Ripple Effect" [ethics, hunting, personal accountability, snapping turtle]; Exotic plants in Alaska's parks [exotic and invasive plants, park management]; Creativity and independent thought [education, resources management], "Avalanche knowledge, experience, and behaviors among winter backcountry users in Turnagain Pass, Alaska" [avalanche, recreation], "Can lettuce growers profitably use smaller containers for seedlings?" [greenhouse, lettuce, vegetable propagation, transplant]; Revitalizing US support for developing nations' agriculture [agriculture, foreign policy]

Revegetation in Alaska: Usibelli, seeds & topsoil, and mycorrhizae [revegetation, mycorrhizae, succession, Usibelli Coal Mine]; Assessing climate change: Did we get it right? [arctic sea ice, climate change, glacier, permafrost, taiga, tundra]; Harvesting art [art, cartooning, teaching]; Blight outbreak tests new Western Plant Diagnostic Network [potato blight fungus]; Kennecott Mill Town: Visitors and the park experience [copper, Kennecott Mill, history, mining, recreation, tourism, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park]; Centennial at the farm [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, history]; Mastering the philosophy of science: graduate student research [agency culture, marine mammals; fire fuel loads, forest types; black spruce, fire ecology, succession; Green Star program, environmentalism; lodgepole pine, non-native species introduction; birch sap; moose, GIS; moose browse production]; Ecotourism in Chile [ecotourism, recreation, tourism]

Tanana Valley farming history: Fairbanks Experiment Farm, Klondike Gold Rush, Copper Center Agricultural Research Station, dairy cattle, forage supply, meat supply, horses, wood, fruit growers, potatoes, Alaska Engineering Commission; Master of the Farmall tractor: Fairbanks Experiment Farm, equipment, cats and dogs; Weeds, bones, and bees: Otto Geist, Pleistocene era, geology, beekeeping; Down on the farm: summer employment, Alaska Railroad, Fairbanks Experiment Farm, demonstration garden, tours; Reindeer meat quality: stress, pre-slaughter handling, grazing, fatty acids, consumer taste panel, meat tenderness, carcass electrical stimulation; The expert tastebud: sensory panel tasting, reindeer sausage, training panelists, important aspects of meat, description choice, value judgements, procedure, scent, reindeer stroganoff; Controlled environments: vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit, high tunnels, greenhouses, Controlled Environment Agriculture Laboratory; Greenhouse tomato production: grafting, trellising, supplemental lighting, geothermal heat, fertilizer, water, nutrients, pollination; Small farm viability: efficiency, economic feasibility, direct marketing, community supported agriculture (CSA), high tunnels, Controlled Environment Agriculture Laboratory; Tea time in Southeast: wild herbs, herbal teas, dehumidifying kiln, drying schedules, plant moisture content data.

Green Map Fairbanks; We all depend on our forests; Forests for a richer future; Wildland fire and climate change; Fuel breaks for fire mitigation; The Muskox: a new northern farm animal? Reindeer in Alaska: under new management; Breeding a new variety of barley for Alaska; Using Alaska's hulless barley in a new food product; Seminar explores the nature of American food.

Counting on tradition: Math in a Cultural Context adds up; Log cabin building workshop: from hangar to woods; The Midnight Sun-flower; Biomass fuels: local energy, local jobs, and community resilience; How to save Old Fatihful: geyser protection areas; Two for the Peace Corps; The IPY at UAF; A sustainable PhD; Kerttula Hall dedication; James Drew: piloting agriculture; Leslie A. Viereck: infectious curiosity.

AMSA: the future of arctic marine shipping; Changing the forest and the trees — is it climate? OneTree in the Tanana Valley; Forest Dynamics & Management; Alaska's food (in)security; Leafhoppers; You are my Sunshine! Reindeer market project makes history! Security of the red meat supply; Salmon and alder: gasification of low-value biomass in Alaska; Unlocking hydrocarbons from biomass; Carex spectabilis: a sedge for landscaping and revegetation in Alaska; Horace Drury: in memoriam.

The Alaska Food Policy Council; Supermarkets in Fairbanks; Homegrown Alaska: farmer profiles open the eyes of the Interior to the scope of local agriculture; Assessing food security in Fairbanks, Alaska; Recovering from an aberration: the future of Alaska's livestock; Greenhouse: a place to grow; ARS shuts the door on Alaska research; Food Day begins with a bang; Buzz Klebesadel; Fisheries and food security in Alaska; Seed libraries: seed-sharing on a community level; A guide to bumblebees of the Interior: a taxonomic key and notes on Bombus specie

Biomass and STEAM; Pedology at the Forefront of Climate Change: Typhoons, Culture, and Engineering in Taiwan; Two Thousand Years of Peonies: Lessons for Alaska Peony Growers; Livestock Systems in Alaska: New Ideas, Practices, and Possibilities; Gemsbok Gazette: An Alaskan in Namibia; Freshwater Social-ecological systems and Sustainability in Alaska; 2012 Events Roundup; Carol Lewis Retires.

STEAMpower: Inspiring Students, Teachers, and the Public; The Forest for the Trees: A Description and History of the School of Natural Resources & Extension Forest Growth and Yield Program, 1983–2014; Painting Sacred Space: Harrison Crandall and Grand Teton National Park; Circumpolar Agriculture Conference: Connecting to the Land; The Alaska Natural Fiber Business Association: Connecting Alaska’s Fiber Community; Growing Our Energy at Home: Biomass Crops in Alaska; Finding the DNA Difference; What are the implications of your research? Starting the Broader Impacts Conversation in Alaska; SNRE News & Events.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Growing Alaska wheat

Research continues on finding the best early maturing spring wheat variety.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Keeping forests sustainable

Researchers study how to improve forest regeneration and adapt to climate change.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Studying Dall sheep habitat

Scientists use satelitte data to analyze shrub and snowline changes in Dall sheep range.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Greenhouse production

Research focuses on growing food and how lighting affects plant growth.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Researching Reindeer

Reindeer studies and outreach support development of Alaska red meat industry.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Conducing recreation surveys

A cost-effective approach looks at outcomes, benefits and experiences sought by visitors.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Researching Reindeer

An AFES economist analyzes effects of resource policies and develops economic models.
Agroborealis Research Highlight: Testing vegetable varieties

Vegetable trials continue in Fairbanks and will expand to Matanuska Experiment Farm.