
Criteria for membership in the Alaska CESU

The six criteria listed below should be addressed in a request to join the Alaska CESU.   These criteria will be used in the evaluation of new membership applications.

  1. A federal sponsor is needed. If the interested agency is federal, they must be a part of the CESU Network Council.
  2. No groups with the primary purpose of advocacy will be accepted. Applicants must be involved in at least one of the following: research, technical assistance, and education/outreach.
  3. The applicant must be a nonprofit or education institute.
  4. Applicants need to clearly state what they expect to contribute to or gain from the Alaska CESU, i.e., projects and collaborations they are interested in.
  5. The application needs to list the applicant’s area of expertise and skills they can offer, and it has to fit with the objectives of the Alaska CESU.
  6. Examples of work (e.g., completed projects, project reports, journal articles), should be provided.

New Member Application and Approval Process (PDF from CESU National Office)

The host university will assist with and accept applications at any time.  However, the applications will only be reviewed by all Alaska CESU members 2x per year.  Between March 1 and March 15 and October 1 and October 15.

Alaska CESU Technical Representative

Peter Fix
Professor & Alaska CESU Campus Coordinator
Department of Natural Resources and Environment 
University of Alaska Fairbanks
323 O'Neill Bldg
P.O. Box 757200
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Phone: (907) 474-6926


Alaska CESU NPS Research Coordinator

Laura Conner
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research
Office of the Chancellor
West Ridge Research Building 108E
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone:(907) 474-6950