Winter Shorts - Fall 2016

October, 2016
The Winter Shorts, Fall 2016 included:

A Winter Conversation Written and Directed by Nancy Nguyen
Surface Break Written by Nate Cole, directed by Ariana Polanco
The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson Written by Ann Wuehler, directed by Erlee Hjellen
The Stephen King Cameo Written by Michael Shaeffer, directed by Jill Shipman
Tipping Point Written by Paul McKinley, directed by Amanda Casterline

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

A Winter Conversation Production Photos


Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage

Cast of A Winter Conversation on stage


Surface Break Production Photos

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break

Cast on stage during Surface Break


The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson Production Photos

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Andersoncast

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Cast on stage in The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson

Scene from The Next Mrs. Jacob Anderson


The Stephen King Cameo Production Photos

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage


Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Cast of the Stephen King Cameo on stage

Scene from the Stephen King Cameo on stage


Tipping Point Production Photos

Tipping Point cast on stage

Cast of Tipping Point onstage

Cast of Tipping Point on stage

Cast of Tipping Point on stage

Cast of Tipping Point on stage

Cast of Tipping Point on stage

Cast of Tipping Point on stage

Cast of Tipping Point on stage

Cast of Tipping Point on stage

Cast of Tipping point on stage

Scene of Tipping Point