GIS Data Download

GIS dataThe spatial data hosted at this web site were derived from a variety of sources. Care was taken in the creation of these themes, but they are provided "as is." Toolik Field Station GIS cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy in the digital data or underlying records. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, accompanying any of these products. Please notify us of any errors. E-mail:

An archive of Quickbird, Worldview-1, and Worldview-2 satellite images is available upon request.


Anaktuvuk River Burn Perimeter (2007)Time series collection of burn perimeters digitized from various remotely sensed imagesAnaktuvuk River Burn Perimeter (2007)polygonsZip File
Anaktuvuk River Burn Perimeter (Rocha - 2008)Digitized burn perimeter from LandSat5 image by Adrian Rocha @ Marine Biological Laboratory.Anaktuvuk River Burn Perimeter (Rocha - 2008)polygonsZip File
Bathymetry - Hypsographic Curves (No Maps)Spreadsheet of various Toolik research lakes with hypsographic curves derived from bathymetric data.pointsZip File
DEM - Alaska DGGS LiDAR (2012)Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Science LiDAR coverage along pipeline and Dalton Highway through Toolik Area (Phillip Smith Mountains).
Click here for more information and to download data
DEM - Alaska DGGS LiDAR (2012)rasterN/A
DEM - Alaska DOT Umiat (Foothills West, 2012)Aerial LiDAR dataset collected along proposed road to Umiat. Aerial LiDAR dataset, DEM, and orthophotos available.
Please Contact Us to request dataset
DEM - Alaska DOT Umiat (Foothills West, 2012)rasterN/A
DEM - Alaska North Slope (2015)25m Digital Elevation Model of the North Slope of Alaska from National Elevation DatasetDEM - Alaska North Slope (2015)rasterZip File
DEM - Arctic (2013)Beta stage development, ~2m stereo-photogrammetric SETSM DEM in 20x20km tiles from Ohio State University and Polar Geospatial Center.
Click here for more information and to download data.
DEM - Arctic (2013)rasterN/A
DEM - Kuparuk to North Slope (2002)5m Digital Elevation Model extending from the Upper Kuparuk to the North Slope of Alaska. Data courtesy Dr. Matt Nolan.
Click here for DEM metadata.
DEM - Kuparuk to North Slope (2002)rasterZip File
DEM - Toolik Area (courtesy NGA, 2015)A 5.6m DEM of the Toolik area produced by the NGA and University of Minnesota using imagery from Digital Globe.
Click Here for more information
DEM - Toolik Area (courtesy NGA, 2015)rasterZip File
Gravel PadsPolygons of gravel pads located throughout the Upper Kuparuk River Basin and North SlopeGravel PadspolygonsZip File
Hillshade - Alaska North SlopeHillshade of Alaska North SlopeHillshade - Alaska North SloperasterN/A
Hillshade - Toolik Area5m hillshade of terrain surrounding Toolik Field StationHillshade - Toolik ArearasterZip File
Hillshade - Upper Kuparuk River Region5m hillshade of Upper Kuparuk River RegionHillshade - Upper Kuparuk River RegionrasterZip File
Lakes - Anaktuvuk BurnLakes associated with the Anaktuvuk Burn Research AreaLakes - Anaktuvuk BurnpolygonsZip File
Lakes - Toolik AreaLakes surrounding Toolik Field StationLakes - Toolik AreapolygonsZip File
Research Natural Area BoundaryPolygon of the designated research area for Toolik Field StationResearch Natural Area BoundarypolygonsZip File
Research PlotsCenter points of research plots associated with Toolik Field Station. Research PlotspointsZip File
Rivers - Anaktuvuk BurnRivers and streams associated with the Anaktuvuk Burn Research AreaRivers - Anaktuvuk BurnlinesZip File
Rivers - ToolikRivers located around Toolik Field StationRivers - TooliklinesZip File
Roads & TrailsSelect roads and trails in Upper Kuparuk River Region and Alaska North SlopeRoads & TrailslinesZip File
Satellite Image- Alaska (2008)On August 23, 2008, NASA's MODIS Terra satellite captured this cloud-free view of a large part of Alaska.
Click here for more information.
Satellite Image- Alaska (2008)rasterZip File
Satellite Image- Alaska (2013)On June 17, 2013, NASA's MODIS Terra satellite captured this stunning image of Alaska.
Click here for more information
Satellite Image- Alaska (2013)rasterZip File
Trans Alaska PipelineCenter line of Trans Alaska PipelineTrans Alaska PipelinelinesZip File
Watersheds- Core Research WatershedsMajor research watersheds around Toolik Field StationWatersheds- Core Research WatershedspolygonsZip File