General Maps

Bathymetric Maps
Bathymetric Catalog - Volume 2Bathymetric Catalog - Volume 2 (2017)
Toolik Lake BathymetryToolik Lake Bathymetry (2009)
Toolik Lake Bathymetry - Data Point DistributionToolik Lake Bathymetry - Data Point Distribution
Toolik Lake Depth DrawingToolik Lake Depth Drawing
Watershed Maps
Kuparuk River WatershedKuparuk River Watershed
Oksrukuyik Creek WatershedOksrukuyik Creek Watershed
Toolik Core WatershedsToolik Core Watersheds (2009)
Toolik Lake Inlet WatershedToolik Lake Inlet Watershed
Base Maps
Glacial Geology of the Upper Kuparuk River RegionGlacial Geology of the Upper Kuparuk River Region
Landforms of the Upper Kuparuk River RegionLandforms of the Upper Kuparuk River Region
Physiography of the Upper Kuparuk River Region - ElevationPhysiography of the Upper Kuparuk River Region - Elevation
Physiography of the Upper Kuparuk River Region - SlopePhysiography of the Upper Kuparuk River Region - Slope
Surficial Geology of the Upper Kuparuk River RegionSurficial Geology of the Upper Kuparuk River Region
Surficial Geomorphology of the Upper Kuparuk River RegionSurficial Geomorphology of the Upper Kuparuk River Region
Vegetation of the Upper Kuparuk River RegionVegetation of the Upper Kuparuk River Region