The Set Book Project: A Creative Collaboration

Northwoods Book Arts Guild - University of Alaska Press - Alaska Literary Series
On view in the Rose Berry Alaska Art Gallery on the Upper Level.

Northwoods Book Guild members take four preselected Alaska books of poetry and apply their own unique interpretations of the books’ subject matter, their aesthetic choices, and their bookmaking skills to the creation of 18 artist books. 

All four books are authored by Alaskan poets whose work is known and loved, and have compelling imagery to inspire book artists to design and create imaginative covers and bindings. Many of the bindings incorporate unusual materials, including fish skin, vintage nails wrapped with fraying rope, beads adn threads, souvenir cards from the 1950s, and delicate objects from the natural world. 

hand made book
Sherrill Peterson. Li Bai Rides a Celestial Dolphin Home by Tom Sexton.

Of Darkness & Light hand bound book
Susan Campbell. Of Darkness & Light by Kim Cornwall, edited by Wendy Erd. 

hand made book of concrete and rebar
Oralee Nudson. Armor & Ornament by Christopher Lee Miles. 

Foughly for the north handbound bookMary Liston. Roughly for the North by Carrie Ayagaduk Ojanen.