Make A Difference Today!
Make a gift online or mail in a gift today!
To give by mail:
Please make the check payable to University of Alaska Foundation. In the memo line,
please reference UAMN Annual Fund.
Please mail to:
University of Alaska Foundation
PO Box 755080
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Other Ways to Give
You can also support the museum by making a gift through your IRA. This is a great way to invest in Alaska's future if you are over 70 ½ years old and
have an IRA.
Another way to support the education, curatorial, and research work at the museum is through a donation of stock.
Restricted Giving: There is also the opportunity for you to designate your gift for specific areas at the museum. Learn more about supporting the museum through these endowments.
Thank you for considering a gift today!
University of Alaska Foundation Tax ID # for monetary donations: 23-7394620
University of Alaska Tax ID # for gifts-in-kind: 92-6000147
For information about donations and corporate partnerships, please contact Aelin Allegood,
UAMN Development Officer, at (907) 378-1205 or