AFES Publications
This database contains a combination of circulars, books, research documents, and other publications (including archives of Agroborealis!) relevant to farming in Alaska. You can search by topic, author or type of publication. The Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Extension also maintains databases of publications from the Cooperative Extension and the Georgeson Botanical Garden. For more information or questions about these publications, drop us a line!

Vegetable variety trials performed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2019.

Vegetable variety trials performed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2018.

Vegetable variety trials performed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2017.
Agronomic Crops Developed in Alaska

Information on agronomic crops developed in Alaska.

Annual report from 2013.

Annual report from 2012.

Annual report from 2010-11.

Annual report from 2009.
Annual Flowering Plant Evaluations 2010

Flowering plant evaluations done in 2010 at the Georgeson Botanical Gardens.
Growing Small Grains in Your Garden

The information in this circular is a summation of many years of agronomic research into growing grains in Alaska scaled down to the typical house garden.
Annual Flowering Plant Evaluations 2009

Flowering plant evaluations done in 2009 at the Georgeson Botanical Gardens.
Annual Vegetable Evaluations 2009

Vegetable variety trials performed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2009.

Annual report from 2008.
Alaska Berries: Controlled Environment Production for Berries for Commerical Crops

Information about a study on controlled environment production of berries as commercial crops.
Annual Flowering Plant Evaluations 2008

Flowering plant evaluations done in 2008 at the Georgeson Botanical Gardens.

Vegetable variety trials performed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2008.

Annual report from 2007.

Vegetable variety trials performed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2007.

Herb variety trials perfomed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2007.
Annual Flowering Plant Trials 2007

Flowering plant evaluations done in 2007 at the Georgeson Botanical Gardens.

Annual report from 2006.
Reproductive Management of Alaska Livestock

This publication is a general guide to farm animal reproduction in Alaska.

Vegetable variety trials performed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2006.

Herb variety trials perfomed at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in 2006.
Aboveground Biomass Equations for the Trees of Interior Alaska

Aboveground Biomass Equations for the Trees of Interior Alaska
Annual Flowering Plant Evaluations 2006

Flowering plant evaluations done in 2006 at the Georgeson Botanical Gardens.
Canola Quality in Alaska, 2004 and 2005 Harvests

This report summarizes the effects of boron and calcium sprays on stem strength of peonies.

Annual report from 2005.
2005 Potato Variety Trials in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This report summarizes a series of experiments conducted to establish standards for best quality fresh cut flowers to meet or exceed rigerous international industry requirements.
Wildland Fire in Alaska: A History of Organized Fire Suppression and Management in the Last Frontier

Wildland Fire in Alaska: A History of Organized Fire Suppression and Management in the Last Frontier
Annual and Perennial Herb Evaluations 2005

Results from annual and perennial herb evalutions performed in 2005.
Visitor Preferences for Interpretation in the Kennecott Mill Town, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Visitor Preferences for Interpretation in the Kennecott Mill Town, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Annual report from 2004.
Peonies for Field Cut Flower Production

The purpose of this report is to present results of the culitvar trials through the 2004 growing season and identify possible problems with flowering and plant establishment.

Response of Bluejoint Reedgrass Dominated Stands to Mowing and Nitrogen Fertilization in Central Alaska
Vegetable Cultivar Trials 2003

Results from vegetable cultivar trials conducted in 2003 at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in Fairbansks.

Annual report from 2003.
Interpreting Feed Analysis of Alaska Forage

This circular discusses interpreting feed analysis of Alaska forage.
Forage Crop Variety Trials in the Tanana Valley of Interior of Alaska

Results from forage crop variety trials performed in the Tanana Valley.
Peonies for Field Cut Flower Production Second-Year Growth

This purpose of this report is to present evaluations of the cultivar trials through the 2003 growing season and identify possible problems with flowering and plant establishment.
Canola Quality in Alaska (2001 Harvest)

This report contains quality data from tests of the canola seed, oil and meal from the 2001 canola grown on the Delta farm.
Annual Flower Evaluations 2003

Annual flower evaluations performed in 2003.
Peonies for Field Cut Flower Production First-Year Growth

This progress report shows results of the first season following peony planting.
No-till Forage Establishment in Alaska

No-till Forage Establishment in Alaska
Head Lettuce Variety Performance Matanuska Valley, Alaska, 2000 & 2001

Results of head lettuce variety performance trials performed in the Matanuska valley in 2000 and 2001.
Turfgrass Performance for Golf Courses in southcentral Alaska

This study evaluated and compared new varities and species of turfgrass against Nugget and Arctared on sand-based greens and soil-based fareways.

Annual report from 2002.
Annual Flowering Plant Evaluations 2002

Results from annual flower evaluations done in 2002.

This study looks at the effect of red clover and reed canary grass on companion plantings with legumes and its effect on yield and mineral content at three sites in Southcentral Alaska.
Soils and Vegetation of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Route: A 1999 Survey

Soils and Vegetation of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Route: A 1999 Survey
The Alaska Public Land Planning Directory, 2001

This report is intended for anyone with questions on public land management in Alaska.
Reforestation Needs and Opportunities for Carbon Sequestration in Alaska

Proceedings from the Alaska Reforestation Council, May 2001 workshop
Annual Flower Evaluations 2000

Results from annual flower evaluations done in 2000.
Potato Variety Performance, Alaska 1999

The results of a yield trial comparing 30 cultivars of potatoes conducted during 1999.
Annual Flower Plant Evaluations 1999

Results from annual flower trials were planted from May 30 through June 4, 1999.

This circular develops a model for evaluating potential production and income responses of reindeer herds under different management strategies.

This report summarizes a two-year study of dairy cow grazing preferences among seven perennial grasses at various times during the growing season conducted at the Matanuska Research Farm. Other factors documented were herbage yields, digestibility, winterhardiness and persistence of grasses. Show Less
Potato variety performance, Alaska 1998

Results from yield trials comparing 30 cultivars of potatoes that were conducted during the 1998 growing seasons at the Matanuska Research Farm.
Influence of Strain and Generation Number on Performance of The Potato Variety Russet Norkotah

This study reports on a preliminary evaluation of ten different sources of Russet Norkotah potatoes, three of which are products of thes train selection program at Colorado State University. The reamining seven sources are of different origin and generation number but claim no special distinction from the parent strain.
Perennial Plant Trials at the Georgeson Botanical Garden

Results form perennial plant trials done at the Georgeson Botanical Gardens in Fairbanks in 1998.

Bromegrass in Alaska. VII. Heading, Seed Yield, and Components of Yield as Influenced by Seeding- Year Management and by Time and Rate of Nitrogen Application in Subsequent Years
Potato Variety Performance, Alaska 1997

Results from a yield trial comparing 45 cultivars of potatoes conducted during the 1997 growing season at the Matanuska Research Farm.
Head Lettuce Variety Performance, Matanuska Valley, Alaska 1997

Results of a head lettuce variety trial in the Matanuska Valley during the 1997 growing season.
Timothy in Alaska: Characteristics, History, Adaptation, and Management

This report (a) summarizes the characteristics of timothy as a forage species, (b) reviews briefly the history of its use in the U.S., and the history of timothy evaluations and culture in Alaska, © compares winter hardiness of alpine timothy with common timothy, (d) compares physiological and morphological characteristics of timothy culitvars from widely divergent latitudinal origins and relates those characteristics to winter survivle, (e) comapres planing dates and different seeding-year harvest dates for seeding-year forage production and effects on subsequent winter survival and productivity and (f) evaluates forage production of established timothy under a broad array of harvest shcedules and frequencies and compares the effects of those harvest treatments on subsequent winter survive and first-cut forage yield in the following year.

Bromegrass in Alaska. VI. Effects of a Broad Array of Harvest Schedules and Frequencies on Forage Yield and Quality and on Subsequent Winter Survival of Cultivars Manchar and Polar
Potato Variety Performance, Alaska 1996

A yield trial comparing 45 named verious of potatoes was conducted during the 1996 growing season at the Matanuska Research Farm.
Annual Flower and Perennial Landscape Plant Evaluations, 1996

Results of annual flower and perennial landscape plants from 1996.
Head Lettuce Variety Performance, Matanuska Valley, Alaska, 1996

The performance of 15 varieties of head lettuce grown in the Matanuska Valley in 1996.

Bromegrass in Alaska. V. Heading and Seed Production as Influenced by Time and Rate of Nitrogen Fertilization, Sod Disturbance, and Aftermath Management
Use of Canola in Dairy Cattle Diets: Year 3

This report presents the results from the third and final trial of a three-year study investigating the use of Alaska-grown whole-seed canola in dairy cattle diets.
Metam Sodium and Dasomet as Herbricdes for Use Vegetable Growers

This report examines two studies of soil fumigants that may be used for weed control in commercial vegetable fields.
Use of Alaska-Grown Whole Seed Canola in Dairy Cattle Diets - Year 2

This circular reports on results from two studies: 1) a study conducted at the AFES facility in Palmer which specifically assessed the use of whole canola seed as an alternative fat source and 2) an on-farm study conducted near Delta Junction which compared the performance of cows fed canola and non-canola diets in a commercial production situation.
Reindeer Calf Productivity and Survival On The Seward Peninsula, Alaska

This circular discusses reindeer calf productivity and survival on Alaska's Seward Peninsula.

Bromegrass in Alaska. IV. Effects of Various Schedules and Frequencies of Harvest on Forage Yields and Quality and on Subsequent Winter Survival of Several Strains
Producing and processing reindeer velvet antler

This circular discusses the processing of reindeer antler velvet.

This study consisted of four separate field experiments, each of six years duration, conducted at the Matanuska Research Farm. Objectives were to compare winterhardiness, forage productivity and general persistence of introduced grass and legume species, strains and cultivars from various world sources with Alaska-developed cultivars and native Alaskan species.
Responses of Latitudinal Ecotypes of Biennial Sweetclover to Various Management Procedures in Alaska

Responses of Latitudinal Ecotypes of Biennial Sweetclover to Various Management Procedures in Alaska
Potato Variety Performance Alaska 1993

A yield trial in which 43 named varieties and one numbered selection of potatoes were compared was conducted during the 1993 growing season at the Matanuska Research Farm.
Annual Flower and Perennial Landscape Plant Evaluations 1993

The results of annual flower and perennial landscape plant evaluations in 1993.

Rates and Methods of Application of Nitrogen and Phosphorus for Commercial Field Production of Head Lettuce in Southcentral Alaska
Alternative Grain and Oilseed Crops for Interior Alaska

This study looked at climatic, nutrient and cultural requirements as well as probability of a successful harvest of several niche grain and oilseed crops for Interior Aalaska.

This report summarizes eight field experiments involving both native and introduced wildrye grasses conducted over a span of several years at the Matanuska Research Farm. Objectives were to evaluate winterhardiness, persistence, forage yield and other aspects of agronomic performance of numerous strains within several species of wildrye, asses their potential for forage use or conservation seedlings in Alaska and determine the effects on Siberian wildrye of seeding-year management options on seeding-year forage production, subsequent winter survival and on second-year forage production.

This investigation consisted of both an outdoor experiment and one conducted indoors in controlled-environment chanbers. Objectives were to determine during late-summer/autumn the effects of the changing daily light/dark pattern and seasonally lowering temperatures on pre-winter behavior of sweetclover.

The objectives of this study, consisting of two separate but similar experiments, were to compare winter hardiness in subarctic Alaska of numerous plant species and ecotypes form various latitudinal sources and seek a better understanding of certain aspects of pre-winter physiologic changes in plants that are associated with successful or with unsuccesful winter survival in this northern area.
Design for a Portable Reindeer Crush

This circular gives a design for a portable reindeer crush.
Management and Medical Aspects of Reindeer Farming: Examining the Basics

This circular discusses management and medical aspects of reindeer farming, including disesases, calf care and more.

The objective of this study was to acquire improved understanding of factors that influence winter survival of bromegrass at northern latitudes.

This report summarizes agronomic research with several species of fesue conducted over recent decades at the Matanuska Research Farm near Palmer in southcentral Alaska.
Results from the 1992 Alaska Barley Breeding Program

This circular documents the current status of research in cultivar development associated with the Alaska barley breeding program.

The findings of this study provide insights into mechanisms that condition winter survival of plants in the Subarctic.
Reestablishment of Woody Browse Species For Mined Land Reclamation Year 3 (1991) Results

This report is from the third year of a study done on grass cultivars and seed mixes used in revegetation.
Evaluation of Plant Species and Grass Seed Mixes For Mined Land Revegetation Year 3 (1991) Results

This report is from the third year of a study done on grass cultivars and seed mixes used in revegetation.
Effect of Different Herbicides on Various Legume Crops in Interior Alaska

The results of an evaluation of nine herbicides on selected legumes, some non-legume crops and weeds at two sites in Interior Alaska.

Five field experiments evaluating and comparing numerous grasses were conducted over seven years at the Matanuska Research Farm near Palmer in southcentral Alaska.
Congenital Defects in Reindeer: A Production Issue

This circular discusses congenital defents in reindeer.
Growth Regulator Effects in Seed Propagated Begonia x Tuberhybrida

The growth regulators chlormequat, paclobutrazol, daminozide and Bayleton were studied for their ability to control plant heigh in seed propogated tuberous begonia.

This circular reports on an experiment were plants of begonia x tuberhybrida were exposed to 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks of short days initiated at 3 stages of plant development.

Annual report from 1991.
Potato Variety Performance & Commercial Potato Crop Data Summary, Alaska 1991

A yield trial which compared 45 named varieties and numbered selections of potatoes was conducted during the 1990 growing season at the Matanuska Research Farm.
Corral Design and Operation for Improved Handling Efficiency and Reindeer Safety

The Reindeer Research Program had the opportunity to observe corral designs throughout Alaska. This circular is a description of those observations.

Observations and data are reported on grasses and legumes in subarctic Alaska.

The introductions evaluated in this study and future accessions of reed canarygrass from far-northern European and American sources should provide more dependably winter-hardy germplasm of this species than North American cultivars for the considerable areas of poorly drained soil and moderately acidic soils in Alaska for which most other forage or soil stabilization grass species are poorly suited.
Results from the 1991 Alaska Barley Breeding Program

This circular documents the current status of research in cultivar development associated with the Alaska barley breeding program.
Relating Mehlich 3 extractable P to Morgan & Bray 1 extractable P Alaska Soils

This circular discusses changes in soil testing procedures.
Malting Barley Quality in Alaska: A Preliminary Study

This study provides a preliminary assessment of the quality of malt barley produced in Alaska.

Annual report from 1990.
Potato Variety Performance Alaska 1990

A yield trial which compared 45 named varieties and numbered selections of potatoes was conducted during the 1990 growing season at the Matanuska Research Farm.
Growth Performance of Holstein Dairy Calves Supplemented with a Probiotic

This study summarizes growth performance results from a study that incorporated a pribiotic into the feed of dairy calves.
Reestablishment of Woody Browse Speies For Mined Land Reclamation Year 2 (1990) Results

This is the second year of a study that examined woody browse species reestablishment on mined land and the advantages or disadvantages of certain species.
Evaluation of Plant Species and Grass Seed Mixes For Mined Land Revegetation Year 2 (1990) Results

This report is from the second year of a study done on grass cultivars and seed mixes used in revegetation.
IRT-76 Polyethylene Mulch Film and Growth of Sweet Corn in Fairbanks, AK

The purpose of this research project was to determine if the benefits of soil warming and weed supression of URT-76 film could be achieved under subarctic conditions.
Effects of Seeding Rate On Dry Matter Yield of Two Forage Rape Varieties

This report summarizes the results of a two-year study concerning the effects of seeding rates on dry matter yields of two brassica hybrids.
Results from the 1990 Alaska Barley Breeding Program

This circular documents the current status of research in cultivar development associated with the Alaska barley breeding program.
Investigation on the Optimum Level of Salmon Meal for Use in Dairy Cow Diets

This circular reports on results of a recently completed milk production trial at the Palmer dairy research center involving the feeding of low levels of SM to early-lactation dairy cows.

This study looks at the effects of potassium source and secondary nutrients on potato yield and quality when grown in Southcentral Alaska.
Results of The 1990 Northwestern Canada Barley Trial Grown At Palmer

This is a report on a trial of thirty types of barley grown at the Matanuska Research Farm in 1990.
Fall Seeding - Will it Work in Interior Alaska?

This study looks at whether or not fall seeding is an option for Interior Alaska.
Nitrogen-Fixation By Legumes In Interior Alaska

This research began to determine how much nitrogen different types of legumes can fix in interior Alaska.

The purpose of this report was to assess physical properties for Volkmar and Tanana soils at the experiment stations in Delta Junction and Fairbanks. This information will aid researchers in water quality and soil-plant-water studies, growers having similar soils in irrigation management to optimize water use efficiency and engineers in land use planning.

Annual report from 1989.
Record Keeping for Reindeer Herds

This circula shows how record keeping for reindeer herds can contribute to decision making and how computers can help the record keeping process.
Results from the 1989 Alaska Barley Breeding Program

This circular documents the current status of research in cultivar development associated with the Alaska barley breeding program.
Reestablishment of Woody Browse Species For Mined Land Reclamation Year 1 (1989) Results

This study examined woody browse species reestablishment on mined land and the advantages or disadvantages of certain species.
Evaluation of Forage Legume Potential at Fairbanks, Point MacKenzie, and Soldotna

Experiments were conducted to evaluate forage legumes for yield, quality and persistence potential at all three locations.
Effects of Soil Fertility on Potato Plant Development in the Matanuska Valley

This study looks at the effects of soil fertility on potato plant development in the Matanuska Valley.
The Effect of Hilling on Yield and Quality of Potatoes

This study looked at the effect of four different treatments and variations of hilling potatoes on potato yield and quality.
Vegetable Variety Trials Matanuska Valley, Alaska 1989

Reults from vegetable variety trials conducted in the Matanuska Valley in 1989.
Chemical Control of Weeds In Potatoes In Southcentral and Interior Alaska

This study evaluated the efficacy and carryover of several herbicides and their use on potatoes in Southcentral and Interior Alaska.
Potato Variety Performance Alaska 1989

Results of potato variety trials from the 1989 growing season.
Quality Assessment of Reindeer Meat

This circular explores quality and sale of reindeer meat.
Effects of Residual Soil Nitrogen and Applied Nitrogen on Yields of Head Lettuce

This study looked at maximum utilization of Nitrogen through accurate interpretation of soil tests results and evaluated interactions between residiual and spring-applied nitrogen.
Results of The 1989 Northwestern Canada Barley Trial Grown At Palmer

This is a report on a trial of thirty types of barley grown at the Matanuska Research Farm.
Construction and Use of a Reindeer Fawn Separator for Injury Prevention

This circular is a description of how a fawn separater is built, how it works and how it was being used in western Alaska.

The objectives of this study were to characterize the soils in the mine lease area for baseline data, to characterize the mile soils with various history, to study the process of soil formation under different sets of conditions and to evaluate the nutrient levels of both soils and minesoils to form a basis for establishing soil handling requirements to promote reclamation practice.
Air Transport of Alaskan Reindeer

This report describes one aspect of successful air transport of reindeer developed over 20 years in Alaska.

This circular provides guidelines for raising orphan reindeer fawns.
Planning a Forest Inventory: Guidelines for Managers of Alaska Native Lands

The purpose of this circular is to provide guidelines for corporate land managers who make decisions about forest inventory on their lands.

Annual report from 1988

The research reported here is a continuance of previous work at Point MacKenzie that has provided information on yield and response of oats to fertilizer treatments.
Population Dynamics: An Introduction for Alaska Reindeer Herders

The management of a reindeer herd is an important responsibility and has implications for the present and future viability of the reindeer industry in Alaska.
Interpretation of the Phosphorus Soil Test for Alaska Agricultural Soils

The objectives of this study were to characterize the P-reaction/sorption of representative soils, identify a suitable P extract for the range of soils and establish a correlation to plant growth, to assure suitability of the extractant for use in the lab and to field-calibrate the P soil test under representative soil environments.
Nutrient Value of Alaskan Feedstuffs 1988

This circular provides results from a test of feedstuffs for nutrient values.

Results of potato variety trials from the 1988 growing season.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials Fairbanks, Alaska 1978-1985

Results of vegetable variety trials from 1978-1985

Annual report from 1987.
Potato Variety Performance Alaska, 1987

Results from variety trials of potatoes done in 1978.
Alaska's Dairy Industry: The Relationship Of History and Statistics

The purpose of this research is to develop an understanding of the driving forces behind agricultural production and to determine what product or group of products have played a dominating role.
Revegetation Research on Coal Mine Overburden Materials in Interior to Southcentral Alaska

Plant material and planting and fertilizer scheduling studies were conducted on coal mine overburden materials in the Nenana coal field at the Usibelli coal min nearly Healthy, in the Matanuska coal field at the Jonesville mine north of Anchorage and at two test pits in the Beluga coal field west of Anchorage.
Alaska's Feeds for Alaska's Livestock

This circular discusses nutrients in Alaska's feed for livestock.

Cool soil temperatures in Alaska are a limiting factor for many crops. Clear plastic mulch has been shown to increase soil temperatures and use of this mulch has allowed the production of many warm season crops, such as corn, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash, farther north than they could be otherwise grown.
The Economics of Barley Production in the Delta Junction Area of Interior Alaska

This project was a research initiative to establish a production cost data base for barley in interior Alaska.
Alaska’s Reindeer Program. 1986 Report the Applied Reindeer Research Project

This report identifies recent accomplishments in the reindeer program, continugin efforts and projected ares of future effort.
Rapeseed Production Demonstration in Interior Alaska

This circular addresses questions on growing rapeseed in large acreages.

Annual report from 1986.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana River Valley of Alaska 1986

This is the eighth publication of grain performance trials in the Tanana River Valley.
The Effect of Nitrogren Fertilization Rates on Head Lettuce Yields: A Preliminary Report

This study looked at the effects of increasing rates of nitrogen fertilizer on lettuce yields and soil nitrogen concentrations.
Perennial Grass and Soil Responses to Four Phosphorus Rates At Point MacKenzie

This is the second year of study on phosphorous rates, continuing the work done in RPR-1.
Gardening with Annual Flowers in Interior Alaska

This circular includes recommended varieties for annual flowers in Interior Alaska.
Potato Variety Performance, Alaska, 1986

A continuation of potato variety trials in Alaska.

Annual report from 1985.
Perennial Grass Trials for Forage Purpose in Three Areas of Southcentral Alaska

This report is based on an interdisciplinary research study undertaken to investigate the social, economic and cultural aspects of reindeer herding in northwestern Alaska.
Observed Scarification Rates and Contract Costs for the TS-35 Disc Trencher in Interior

The purpose of this paper is to inform potential users of the 1985 hourly scarification rates and per acre costs of performing site-preparation work using the TTS-35 Disc Trencher.
An Evaluation of Herbicides for Control of Wild Oats in Barley

The control of wide oats in Alaskan spring-planted barley was investigated in a series of experiments conducted from 1981-1984.
A Survey of the Alaska Greenhouse Industry and Related Enterprise

The results of a survey on the greenhouse industry in Alaska.
Phosphorous rate Effects on Establishment of Perennial Grasses And on Soil Values at Point MacKenzie

This study was started in 1985 to determine the response of three perennial grasses to phosphorous applications and to development soil test criteria for measuring residual phosphorous.
Toward the Integration of Economics and Outdoor Recreation Management

The general theme of this bulletin is that improved management of public-sector recreational resources is a multidisciplinary task.
Potato Variety Performance, Alaska 1985

Comparative yield of suitable, or potentially suitable, commercial production potato varieties were conducted during the 1985 growing season.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana River Valley of Alaska, 1985

This is the seventh publication in this formate on grain performance trials in the Tanana River Valley.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1985

This report summarizes vegetable variety evaluations from 1985.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana River Valley of Alaska, 1984

This is the sixth publication in this formate on grain performance trials in the Tanana River Valley.

Annual report from 1984.
An Economic Analysis of Fluid Milk Processing in Alaska

The priimary purpose of this project, planned for 19 dairy farms a 3,000 cows, is an expanded and stable milk supply base sufficient to achieve processing throughput efficiences.
Biology and Management of White Spruce Seed Crops for Reforestation in Subarctic Taiga Forest

The results of this research will help improve seed yields and make the management of white spruces crops more profitable in Alaska and Yukon.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1984

This report summarizes vegetable variety evaluations from 1984.
Postemergence Broadleaf Weed Control in Barley

Experiments were conducted from 1981-1983 to determine the efficacy and phytotoxity of postemergency herbicides used to control broadleaf weeds in spring-planted barley.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana River Valley of Alaska, 1983

This is the fifth publication in this formate on grain performance trials in the Tanana River Valley.
An Evaluation of Herbicides for Broadleaf-Weed Control in Rapeseed

This study looks at herbicides for broadleef-weed control in rapeseed.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1983

This report summarizes the vegetable variety research evaluations of the UAF Horticulture department conducted in 1983.
Forage yield and Quality of Cereals at Pt. MacKenzie
Cereals are an important option for forage production in the Pt. MacKenzie agricultural project area, located about 40 miles southwest of Palmer.
Waste-Management Systems for Dairy Farms in Alaska

This circular discusses the issues with and strategies for waste handling in dairy farms in Alaska.
Representative Rivers: An Experimental Research Program in River Recreation Management

This project was initiatied to asses the present river-management situation in Alaska and to project the need for river-recreation research in order to assist the manager.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana River Valley of Alaska, 1982

This is the fourth publication in this formate on grain performance trials in the Tanana River Valley.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1982

This report summarizes the vegetable variety research evaluations of the UAF Horticulture department conducted in 1982.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana River Valley of Alaska, 1981

This is the third publication in this format on grain performance trials in the Tanana River Valley.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1981

This report summarizes vegetable variety evaluations from 1981.

This report summarizes the results of three separate experiments evaluating the effects of lime and fertilizers on forage production and chemical composition of Engmo timothy on Kachemak silk loam.
Observations on Plant and Tuber Growth of Potato in Alaska

This report documents information gained on potatoes for the past 30 years in Alaska
A Summary of 1979 and 1980 Soil Fertility Research in the Delta-Clearwater Area of Alaska

In this publication, progress reports are given for several research projects involving fertilizer use and rates of application.

This report is based on an interdisciplinary research study undertaken to investigate the social, economic and cultural aspects of reindeer herding in northwestern Alaska.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana Valley of Alaska 1981

This report summarizes performance of cereal crops in the Tanana River Valley during 1981.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1980

This report summarizes vegetable variety evaluations from 1980.
Three Varieties of Native Alaskan Grasses for Revegetation Purposes

The objective of these studies involved determining commercially available cultivars that would satisfy needs for ground cover at revegation sites.
Performance of Cereal Crops in the Tanana River Valley of Alaska, 1978–1979

This report summarizes performance of cereal crops in the Tanana River Valley during 1978-1979
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1979

This report summarizes the vegetable variety research evaluations of the UAF Horticulture department conducted in 1979.
An Examination of a Development Rights Purchase Program For Alaska Agricultural Lands

This report discusses the feasibility of an alternative means of preserving agricultural lands, namely, the public purchase of development rights from private landowners.
Summary of Vegetable Variety Trials, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1978

This report summarizes the vegetable variety research evaluations of the UAF Horticulture department conducted in 1978.
Time, Temperature, and Solar Energy Received By Crops at Palmer, Alaska

This publication presents the available accumulated data for persons who may be concerned with the climatic requirements of plants grown in the northern environment

In this publication, chemical determinations provide data showing the effects of different nitrogen sources and rates on the composition of forage produced in Alaska.

Presents the results of different schedules of fertilizer applications to bromegrass in the Matanuska Valley of Southcentral Alaska.

Information on growing lilies in Alaska.
Establishing a Lawn in Interior Alaska

Information on establishing a lawn in Interior Alaska.
Creating a Northern Agriculture. Part V, An Agroeuthenics Approach to Development in Alaska

This bulletin is one of a series that are intended to direct attention to opportunities for development of a northern agriculture.

This bulletin is one of a series that are intended to direct attention to opportunities for development of a northern agriculture.
Creating a Northern Agriculture. Part III, Defining Parameters of Agricultural Potential in Alaska

This bulletin is one of a series that are intended to direct attention to opportunities for development of a northern agriculture.
Creating a Northern Agriculture. Part II, Historical Perspectives in Alaskan Agriculture

This bulletin is one of a series that are intended to direct attention to opportunities for development of a northern agriculture.
Creating a Northern Agriculture. Part I, An Agricultural Development Perspective

This bulletin is one of a series that are intended to direct attention to opportunities for development of a northern agriculture.
Solar and Net Radiation At Palmer, Alaska 1960-71

Solar radiation which falls upon the surface of the earth exerts a powerful influence upon many physical and biological processes.
Flame Violet: A House Plant Suitable for Alaska’s long Winter, Low Light Conditions

Flame Violet has proven to be an excellent plan for office and home conditions in Alaska where sunlight is limited during the long winters.
Growing sweetcorn in Alaska's cool environments

An analysis of growing sweet corn in Alaska.
Polar Bromegrass: A New Winterhardy Forage For Alaska

History and characteristics of polar bromegrass.

How to combat lawn weeds in Alaska.

This bulletin discusses potato sprout control in storage.
Producing Beef for Alaska's railbelt

A summary of expected costs and possible returns when producing beef.
Better Forage for Alaska's Dairy Industry with Particular Reference to the Matanuska Valley.

This bulletin discusses forage crops for Alaska's dairy industry.
Performance of 127 Potato Varieties in Alaksa 1951-1959

Evaluation of potato varieties.

Retail food buying characteristics of households in Anchorage and Fairbanks.
Performance of Fifty-Eight Tomato Varieties Under Greenhouse Culture in Alaska, 1949-1958

Evaluation of tomato varieties for use in greenhouses.
ALASKA 114; tough-skinned main crop potato

Characteristics of Alaska 114, a tough-skinned main crop potato.
Propagation of Woody Plants by Seed

This bulletin discusses the propogation of woody plants by seed, when to sow them and general methods.

This bulletin defines areas in which tree fruit culture is possible in Alaska, the varieites that are desirable for planing and points out the main problems limiting fruit tree culture.
Irrigation in Alaska's Matanuska Valley

Irrigation in Alaska's Matanuska Valley

Information for prospective settlers concerning agriculture in Alaska
Performance of Fifty-Five Potato Varieties in Alaska's Matanuska Valley.

This bulletin reports the results of potato variety trials conducted at the Matanuska Experiment Station during 1948, 1949, 1950 and 1951.
Land Occupancy, Ownership and Use on Homesteads In Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, 1955.

The Kenai Peninsula has been the scene of considerable post-war settlement and development. This publication covers land occupancy, ownership and use on homesteads.

An analysis of commercial farming in Alaska.
Gasser Wheat, A New Grain for Alaska

History and growing information on gasser wheat, a new grain for Alaska.
Getting a start in dairying in Alaska

Facts to consider before you start a dairy in Alaska
Matanuska Valley Memoir: The Story of How One Alaskan Community Developed

The story of how one Alaskan community developed
Present & Potential Agricultural Areas in Alaska

The purpose of this publication is to bring together from many sources applicable information for the benefit of newcomers seriously interested in settling and farming.

Information on root maggots and mitigating their effects on crops.

History and growing information about Alaskaland Red Clover as a forage crop.
C14, rev. - Recommended Varieties of Field Crops for Alaska 1953-54

Results of field crop variety testing from 1953-1954
Chemical Weed Killers and Their Use

This publication contains information about weed killers, including hazards and precautions.
Farming In The Matanuska And Tanana Valleys Of Alaska

This is the third survey of Alaskan farms in recent years. These studies have been conducted to discover types of farm organizations, methods of operations and production requirements of particular farm enterprises. The main objective has been to compile data on which to base plants for improving farm income.
Raising Dairy Calves and Heifers in Alaska

Raising herd replacements in Alaska is cheaper than buying them from the States. This publication discusses raises dairy calves and heifers.

The purpose of this circular is to give the origin, description and performance of Edda in comparison with those varieties commonly grown in Alaska.
Agricultural Possibilities Of Alaska's Kenai Peninsula

During the summer of 1950, an intensive study was made on the Kenai Peninsula to determine the extent of its agricultural development and the plans and problems of current settlers. All available settlers residing in accessible areas were interviewed. Notes were also collected concerning non-resident or absentee landholders. The resulting information consequently covers the agricultural community that has developed under existing conditions of help, hindrance and laissez faire. The study furnishes guides useful in formulating public settlement policies for the Kenai-Kasilof area and to individuals who might wish to locate in this or other sections of the Peninsula.
Better Forage for Alaska: A Progress Report

Better forage management can increase the dairyman's profits. This publication describes recent Alaskan studies in this field.
Insects of Agricultural and Household Importance in Alaska, with Suggestions for their Control

Agricultural pests and suggestions for their control.
Potato Storage in Alaska's Matanuska Valley

Potatoes are an important food in Alaska. Matanuska Valley farmers can produce enough to meet the needs of the Anchorage area if the crop can be kept satisfactorily from one year to the next.
Information for the Farmer-Settler

Information for the Farmer-Settler
Forty-seven Years of Experimental Work With Grasses and Legumes In Alaska

As early as 1898 investigations of the agricultural possibilities in Alaska were begun along the southern coast and westward along the Aleutian Islands. In the reports of these investigations frequent reference is made to the variety and abundance of the native grasses, whose value for hay and ensilage in feeding livestock was well-known even .at that early date. In some districts, as many as 40 varieties and species were found.
Wintering Breeding Ewes in Alaska

A series of five one-year trials was outlined to determine results of wintering pregnant ewes on locally-grown roughages

The oat crop occupies an important place on the farms in interior Alaska, especially in the Matanuska Valley and the Fairbanks region of the Tanana Valley. The crop is used chiefly for hay. It is one of the more important grain crops in the system of diversified farming recommended for Alaska by the Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations. Good yields for hay and silage can be produced in southeastern Alaska, but production is limited (1) by the small areas of suitable land available for farming, (2) by the high cost of clearing the land, and (3) by cool, wet weather in the fall which makes difficult the work of harvesting. Southeastern Alaska is rough, rugged, and heavily timbered and has comparatively little land available for cultivation.

This bulletin is intended for settlers and prospective settlers in Alaska and for others who may be interested in gardening in the Territory. The information given is based upon the results of investigations by the Alaska Experiment Stations during 29 years and should be useful to those who are planning to make Alaska their home. The great extent of the Territory and the variable climate make it necessary to refer briefly to the features which characterize the climate as a whole and to some extent to local conditions as regards temperature and rainfall during the growing season.

The information in this circular is intended for the use of settlers and homesteaders in Alaska who are interested in the more general growing of hardy flowering bulbs in the Terrority.
Production of improved hardy strawberries for Alaska

A history of and how-to of growing strawberries in Alaska.
Haymaking at Kenai Experiment Station

Haymaking at Kenai Experiment Station
Performance of Agronomic Crop Varieties in Alaska 1978-2012

Updated report on continued Agronomic crop testing.
Like a Tree to the Soil: a history of farming in Alaska's Tanana Valley, 1903 to 1940

A history of farming in Alaska's Tanana Valley.

Forage crops can be defined as aboveground growth (stems, leaves and sometimes seed heads and immature seeds) of plants that are gathered and fed to herbivorous, domestic animals.
The Agricultural Potential of the Middle Kuskokwim Valley

Alaskans are concerned with the production of food. This study focuses on agricultural potential in the Middle Kuskokwim Valley
Potential Milk Production in the Point MacKenzie Area of Southcentral Alaska

This report is a feasibility study on milk production in the Point MacKenzie area.
Alaska-Washington Trade Profile: Waterborne Commerce

A discussion on waterborne commerce between Alaska and Washington
Lime Requirement Indices of Alaskan Soils

The purpose of this research was to determine the quantity of lime required to raised the initial pH of various acide soilds collected throughout the state of Alaska to a final pH of 6.5
Barley Production in the Delta-Clearwater Area of Interior Alaska

Cropping systems, costs of production, yield, cost and price considerations for growing barley in the Delta-Clearwater area of Interior Alaska.
Input-Output Tables for Alaska's Economy: A First Look

The specific objectives of this bulletin are to present a first look in specific detail at input-output tables of the Alaskn economy, thereby examinng Alaskan interindustry interactions and dependencies and indicate how the information contained in these typical input-outpout tables can be used by public and private policymakers.

This bulletin reports on dairy herd improvement by crossing breeds.
Supplying Alaska's Red Meat and Poultry Markets

This bulletin reports on an effort to describe an analyze red meat marketing in Alaska.
A Method for Establishing Outdoor Recreation Project Priorities in Alaska

The object of this study is to define outdoor recreation benefits to the public and to develop a priority ranking method for proposed outdoor recreation projects.
Tomatoes--Varieties and Culture for Alaska Greenhouses

Tomato variety trials for use in greenhouses
Dairy Herd Improvement by Introducing High Milk Production into a Herd of High Testing Cows

This bulletin reports on dairy herd improvement by crossing breeds.

This bulletin discusses analysis of financial records from 93 Alaskan farmers and credit needed to expand farms.
Alaska Farm Facts: A Compilation of Agricultural Statistics for the Years 1953 through 1957

A compilation of agricultural statistics for the years 1953-1957

Information about growing golden rain oats in Alaska.
Some Economic Aspects of Farming In Alaska (with chief attention to the Matanuska Valley)

Economic aspects of farming in the Matanuska Valley.

Laying hens provide a year-round income, utilize off-season labor, help build a permanent system of agriculture in Alaska.
Brief History of Cattle Breeding in Alaska

o far as is known the Russians were the first people of the Caucasian race to settle in Alaska. They early recognized the possibilities of Alaska for stock-breeding purposes and imported cattle from Siberia in the belief that the animals could be made to sustain themselves on the lush pastures abounding here and there in the new country.

Vegetable growing in Alaska
Reindeer Recipes: Gourmet Meals Featuring Alaska's Natural Livestock

Recipes for gourmet meals featuring Reindeer.

This study documented Noatak residents' traditional knowledge of caribou ecology and caribou hunting as a way of informing caribou science and wildlife management in northwestern Alaska.
Boreal Alaska - Learning, Adaptation, Production September 2012 Quarterly Report

The goals of BAKLAP are to upgrade Alaska forest research facilities and management practices to improve the value of Alaska's forests in meeting rapidly expanding demand for wood biomass energy in a changing environment and to improve STEM teaching and learning outcomes by developing a model integrated K-12 curriculum based on hands-on experiences with the Alaska boreal forest through inquiry science and art.
Small-Scale Coriander Production in Alaska

A yield study on coriander.
Two Thousand Years of Peonies: Lessons for Alaska Peony Growers

History and information on the peony growing market in China.
The State of the Alaska Peony Industry 2012

Information on the state of the Alaska peony industry in 2012, including varieties, root sales and more.
Sustainable Livestock Production in Alaska: Workshop Report

Proceedings from the Sustainable Livestock Production in Alaska workshop, held in 2013.
Final Report: Germination of water sedge, Carex auatilis, and Cotton Sedge...

The purpose of this project was to explore methods of seed germination of Carex aquatilis and Eriophorum angustifolium, the learn the conditions for germination and dormancy control mechanisms and identify seed treatments that might enhance germination for eventual use in direct-seeding or plug production for wetland revegetation.

A summary of peony research done in 2009.
Conversion of a Gasoline-Powered 1955 Allis Chalmers 'G' Tractor to Battery Power

Information on converting a tractor from gasoline to battery power.
Peonies: An Economic Background for Alaska Flower Growers

Information on the economic background of growing Peonies in Alaska.
Opportunities for Woody Biomass Fuel Crops in Interior Alaska

Information on crops that can be used as biomass fuel in Alaska
Growing Fresh Vegetables: Midnight sunlight & the Earth's warmth

Information about the greenhouses in use at Chena Hot Springs Resort.
The Muskox - A New Northern Farm Animal

Research on muskoxen provides insight into their domestication and care and aids the development of a textile industry using their fur.
An Introduction to Harvesting and Selling Alaska Cut Flower Peonies

This paper was ritten to provide current and future Alaska peony growers background knowledge on harvesting and selling flowers at local and wholesale leves.

Research on sports turf and turfgrasses in Alaska.
Reindeer in Alaska: Under New Management

Changes in reindeer herding and new management strategies for raising reindeer.
Annual Flowering Plant Evaluations 2005

Results from annual flowering plant evaluations done in 2005.
Annual Vegetable Evaluations 2005

Results from vegetable evaluations conducted in 2005.
Dragonhead Mint as a Potential Agronomic Crop for Alaska

This study investigates dragonhead mint for its potential as an ingredient in commercially sold food for wild birds.
Restaurant Interviews to Determine Demand for Baby Greens in Alaska

This report analyzes market opportunities for baby greens in Alaska.
Cryosols and Arctic Tundra Ecosystems, Alaska

Information from an Arctic Tundra Ecosystem tour in 2006.
Assessing Climate Change: Did We Get it Right?

Information throughout the years of climate change research at AFES.
Annual Flowering Plant Evaluations 2004

Results from annual flowering plant evaluations done in 2004.
Annual Vegetable Evaluations 2004

Results from annual vegetable evaluations done in 2004 at the Georgeson Botanical Garden

Wildland fire research & management Issues
Preparing for Wildfire: A Guide for Homeowners

A guide for homeowners to help prepare for wildfires
Taste is Important - Consumer Opinions about Alaska Food Products

Information about the taste and acceptability of Alaska food products
Exotic Plants in Alaska's Parks

Results from a survey conducted in Alaska Park Service lands throughout the state, identifying about fifty non-native plant species.
Morels: A Morsel After the Fire

Information on identifying, harvesting and using morels. Check with appropriate land managers to see if permits are required for picking morels.
Checklist of Landscape Plant Materials for the Tanana Valley

A list of landscape plants tested in cultivar trials for hardiness in Alaska.
Annual & Perennial Herb Evaluations 2004

Results from annual and perennial herb evalutions performed in 2004
Birch: White Gold in the Boreal Forest

Information on birch trees and how industries are being developed based on birch products.

A K-12 educator's guide to reindeer in Alaska
Reindeer Inspire New Teaching Guide

Information on the educator's guide to Reindeer in Alaska
Shapeshifter Carbon - a universal building block

A study on the behavior of carbon in northern ecosystems and effects related to warming.
Peony - a future crop for Alaska

Information on peonies as a potential crop for Alaska
Alaska Spinach: Savory, Succulent Salad Selection, 1999

Information on cultivars of spinach that were tested in 1998.
Alaska Research Natural Areas. 4: Big Windy Hot Springs, 1998

Information about the Big Windy Hot Springs Research Natural Area.
Caring for Black or White Spruce Christmas Trees

Information on caring for black or white spruce Christmas trees in Alaska.
Potential Effects of Carbon Dioxide-Induced Climatic Changes in Alaska

This publication presents the proceedings of a conference at UAF on the potential effects of carbon dioxide induced climatic change in Alaska.
Utilization of native Bluejoint grass in Alaska

This report provides a background of information that can assist in assessing in a general way the potential value of native stands of this grass.
Alaska's Farm & Consumer Resources: 1963 Research Progress

A progress report on the farm and consumer resources research program from 1963.
The Challenge of Circumpolar Biological Research: A report to the Rockefeller Foundation

A report to the Rockefeller foundation on the challenges of research in the arctic.

Results of a study that looked at growing ryegrass with oats and peas as a forage source.
A Bunker Silo of Farm Treated Native Posts and Rough Cut Lumber for Alaska Dairly Farms

Basic design of a bunker silo for Alaska farms.
Fertilizer Practices for Bromegrass

Response of bromegrass to nitrogen and to fall and spring applications of different rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in Alaska's Matanuska Valley

Physio-chemical environment, morphology, characterization and classifications of soils associated with black spruce in Alaska

This study reports on a second year evaluation of ten different sources of Russet Norkotah potatoes, three of which are products of thes train selection program at Colorado State University. The reamining seven sources are of different origin and generation number but claim no special distinction from the parent strain.
Recommended Vegetable Varieties for Interior Alaska

This circular is a summary of recommended vegetable varieties resulted from variety trials conducted between 1978-1985.
Agronomic Crop Variety Testing in Fairbanks Alaska 1948 – 2013

This is a supplement to AFES Bulletin 116 on agronomic crops.
Growing under the midnight sun: Welcome to Pike's greenhouse

Information on the Pike's greenhouse project.
Boreal Alaska— Learning, Adaptation, Production September 2013 Quarterly Report

The goals of BAKLAP are to upgrade Alaska forest research facilities and management practices to improve the value of Alaska's forests in meeting rapidly expanding demand for wood biomass energy in a changing environment and to improve STEM teaching and learning outcomes by developing a model integrated K-12 curriculum based on hands-on experiences with the Alaska boreal forest through inquiry science and art.
STEAMpower: Inspiring Students, Teachers, and the Public

Information on the BAKLAP K-20 STEAM program. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Egineering and Mathematics powered with Art.
Boreal Alaska - Learning, Adaptation, Production December 2012 Quarterly Report

The goals of BAKLAP are to upgrade Alaska forest research facilities and management practices to improve the value of Alaska's forests in meeting rapidly expanding demand for wood biomass energy in a changing environment and to improve STEM teaching and learning outcomes by developing a model integrated K-12 curriculum based on hands-on experiences with the Alaska boreal forest through inquiry science and art.
Kaktovik Sharing Project Summary Report

A summary report of the results of interviews done on heads of households in Kaktovik about their subsistence harvesting, sharing and cooperative relationships.
Wainwright Sharing Project Summary Report

A summary report of the results of interviews done on heads of households in Wainwright about their subsistence harvesting, sharing and cooperative relationships.
Venetie Sharing Project Summary Report

A summary report of the results of interviews done on heads of households in Venetie about their subsistence harvesting, sharing and cooperative relationships.
The Alaska Natural Fiber Business Association: Connecting Alaska’s Fiber Community

Information about the Alaska Natural Fiber Business Association and how it is connecting fiber businesses across the state.
Growing Our Energy at Home: Biomass Crops in Alaska

This publication reports on research being done on the cropping potential of crops for biomass. Specifically growing barley, canola and woody shrubs.
The 8th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference & UArctic Inaugural Food Summit

Proceedings from the 8th Circumpolar Agriculture Conference and University of the Arctic Inaugural Food Summit.