Virtual Early Explorers: Pollinators

May 2022's theme was Pollinators!

Close-up of a beaded baby belt with butterfly and flower designs.

Image: Baby Belt (Tł’ôo t’aii) by Hannah Solomon, EH0607-0001.


At-Home Activities:


A bee made from construction paper and colorful paper flower, sitting on the ground next to dandelions.Make a Bee and Flower: Explore and play with a bee and flower craft.

Create a Butterfly Life Cycle: Discover how a butterfly grows.

Pollinators of Alaska Coloring Book: (Courtesy of Alaska Geographic) Learn about some of the amazing pollinating insects in Alaska.

Flowers and Their Pollinators: (Courtesy of SciShow Kids) Watch a video about the relationships between flowers and pollinators.


For activities designed for kids ages 6-12, go to the Virtual Junior Curators page.


Yellow and black butterfly on an orange flower.



During May, the Early Explorers Tiger Swallowtail was exploring the museum. They hid near flowers! Early Explorers searched for the Tiger Swallowtail in the museum galleries.


Image: Aaron Carlson, via Wikimedia Commons.

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