UAF Professors & Students

Partnership makes projects stronger!
Kids and adults stand around a table with a screen in the background.Let's Collaborate
Share your research and your enthusiasm for your work, connect with a large audience and support education outreach to inspire the next generation. We can help!
As a museum, our audience is as varied as our community. Local residents, tourists, adults, kids, students, and teachers are interested in our science, art, historical, and cultural events & programs. We also reach outside our walls to local schools (science fairs,  hands-on kits, afterschool programs), libraries, and community events. Our outreach extends even further through materials available on our website.
Get involved with UAMN Education & Public Programs. Our expertise in informal education and our resources can be an asset to your outreach efforts.


Image: Presenting Nanoscience with Shiva & Nilima Hullavarad during Science Potpourri, 2013.

Graduate student Thomas Ferrugia shows fish specimens to several young children.UAF STUDENTS

Find details about UAMN Student Research Fellowships here.

Learn about the classes offered by our curators/collection staff here.

Explore the Museum Research Apprenticeship program (MRAP) here.

Discover UAMN Fine Arts Collection Scholarships here.

Learn about museum outreach opportunities here.

Use objects in your presentations. Look at our kits!
Short term loans are free for UAF students.

Admission to the museum is free for UA students, faculty, and staff. Come, enjoy, learn & share!

Image: Graduate student Thomas Ferrugia sharing his research during Fish Family Day, 2013.