
May 2015 -- May 2017

During the Mesozoic Era (from 252 to 66 million years ago), much of Alaska was a polar forest teeming with dinosaurs. Scientists can paint a picture of what it looked like and what kinds of animals lived here. The evidence comes from the bones and footprints they left behind. UAMN paleontologists collect fossils in every corner of Alaska - from the frigid North Slope to the mountains of Central and Southwest Alaska to the coastal forests of Southeast. The museum has the only research lab in the state dedicated to studying dinosaurs. In this exhibit, visitors had a chance to see authentic Alaska dinosaurs, view fossils and try their hand at excavating, examine dinosaur teeth under a microscope, and explore a virtual field camp.

Meet Alaska's Newest Dinosaur

Ugrunaaluk  (oo-GREW-na-luck)  kuukpikensis  (KOOK-pik-en-sis) 

Researchers at the University of Alaska Museum of the North have described a new species of hadrosaur, a type of duck-billed dinosaur that once roamed the North Slope of Alaska in herds. Now on display in the museum lobby, an original painting by Anchorage artist James Havens depicting Alaska's newest dinosaur species, along with skeletal mounts of three juveniles made from casts of the fossils used to describe the new species. Read more here


Discover the world of Alaska dinosaurs

Download our "Dino Fact Sheet"
Learn the difference between authentic Alaska dinosaurs and the marine reptiles that lived in the time of Ancient Alaska.

Now showing in the Museum Auditorium,
See the museum's film and go on an adventure across Alaska in search of these fossils and other evidence of life in ancient Alaska.

Read our blog.
See stories about some of the fossil discoveries in Alaska that have led to a new understanding about the state during the Age of Dinosaurs.

Learn more about the exhibit.
Ever since he arrived here, earth sciences curator Pat Druckenmiller has wanted to update the museum’s exhibits to include the story of Alaska’s dinosaurs.