Animals Activities



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Links and Resources

Kenelm Philip Lepidoptera Collection: Lesson plans incorporating digital images of the Kenelm Philip Lepidoptera  Collection (butterflies and moths).

Butterflies of Alaska: Read more about each of the 80 specis of Alaska butterflies.

Checklist of Alaska Birds: See a list of all known bird species in Alaska.

Exploring Insect Wings: Watch a conversation about the diversity of insect wings with curator and entomologist Dr. Derek Sikes!

Frozen Wood Frogs: Watch a video about how wood frogs in Interior Alaska survive the winter.

Alaska's Animals: Learn more about Alaskan animals from the Alaska Department of Fish & Game.

iNaturalist: Identify species in the wild and become a citizen scientist.



Collection of butterflies in a specimen drawer.

Image: Drawer from Kenelm W. Phillip Lepidoptera Collection.