Off-campus programs and activities
Rights and notifications
We want you to know that:
- The University of Alaska is an equal opportunity/equal access employer and educational institution. The university is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination against individuals on the basis of any legally protected status.
- Incidents can be reported at UAF Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability (listed below) or through the online reporting portal. The University of Alaska Fairbanks takes immediate, effective, and appropriate action to respond to reported acts of discrimination and harassment.
- There are supportive measures available to individuals that may have experienced discrimination.
- The rules of the University of Alaska (UA) apply at all university-owned or operated sites, university-sanctioned events, clinical sites, and during all academic or research-related travel that is university-sponsored.
- University of Alaska’s Board of Regents Policy & Regulations 01.02.020 Nondiscrimination and 01.04 Sex and Gender-Based Discrimination Under Title IX can be read at:
Inquiries about the application of Title IX at UA may be referred to the UAF Title IX Coordinator, the Assistant U.S. Secretary for Education, or both.
UA Board of Regents’ Policy and Regulation Chapter 01.04 defines prohibited behavior and details the administrative grievance procedures and grievance process for inquiries, supportive measures, investigations, hearings, and appeals which apply when prohibited behavior is alleged to have occurred.
For more information or to report or file a complaint of sex discrimination or a formal complaint of sexual harassment, contact:
Kaydee Van Flein
UAF Title IX Coordinator
1692 Tok Lane, 3rd Floor Constitution Hall, Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: 907-474-7300
Departments MUST:
- Provide students engaging in off-campus activities with the following verbiage in the course or program materials:
- The University of Alaska Fairbanks is committed to ensuring students are aware of their rights and that the university takes proactive measures to provide a safe and healthy educational and work environment which are free from discrimination and harassment. For more information, visit the University Sponsored Off-Campus Programs and Research Activities website.
- For more information or to report or file a complaint of discrimination or harassment, contact:
- Kaydee Van Flein, UAF Title IX Coordinator, 1692 Tok Lane, 3rd Floor Constitution Hall, Fairbanks, AK 99775
- Phone: 907-474-7300,
- Email:
- Website:
For questions regarding UA's nondiscrimination policies, contact the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability at, call 907-474-7300 or visit the website at visit the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability website.
Notification of rights provided to employees and students:
- Notice sent from UA Statewide to students on a bi-annual basis.
- Notices sent from UA Statewide to employees on an annual basis.
- UA Concur Travel System with an onscreen notice requiring acknowledgment.
- University Affiliation Agreements (handled by the UAF Provost's Office)