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Important Dates

UAF Academic Calendar for more important dates

Beginning of the semester Nanook Navigator Checklist

Week of August 12:
Important Financial Aid alerts issued & cases are managed by advisors

August 21-24:
Orientation for new students.
Students will be downloading the Navigate Student App & completing the in-take survey. Advisors can review the survey responses on the student profile under the path tab. 

August 30- September 13:
 Instructors issue Nanook Navigator Early Engagement/Progress reports & cases are managed by advisors

October 7:
Instructors enter midterm grades in UAOnline. View midterm grades in Nanook Navigator.

October 21: Advisor Registration Appointment Campaign Starts
*One week before the course list is available.

Week of August 12: Important Financial Aid alerts issued & cases are managed by advisors

Week of January 6: 
Important Financial Aid alerts issued & cases are managed by advisors

Log into Nanook Navigator:

Nanook Navigator Advisor Training Schedule

Office Hours: Come ask questions at Nanook Navigator Office Hours on Monday or Thursday from 1:00-2:00 pm AKST over Zoom. We also have monthly trainings available here

Student Engagement & Support

Student Engagement & Support Infograph

Learn how to log into your Nanook Navigator profile, switch roles, view assigned students, search for students, and change your profile semester data.

Here is the getting started training video.

How to navigate the student profile video.

Review the getting started guide here.

Review the user settings guide here. 

Review the staff dashboard video

How to access the help center and help center articles

Students are able to view drop-in availability and place themselves into a virtual waitlist connected to a staff member, instructor, tutor or all staff in a location. This is only accessible if the location has drop-in availability and has requested to turn on these features. Instructions on setting up your drop-in availability and syncing your calendar. There are also instructions on how to set up your personal zoom meeting link, waiting room settings, and how to add your personal video conferencing link to student appointments in Nanook Navigator.

Nanook Navigator reflects only the assigned advisors in Banner screen "Multiple Advisors (SGAADVR)". Advisors pulled into Nanook Navigator are both the primary and secondary but advisors need to be assigned to a 999999 end term. If the beginning term is not the current term then you may need to click on the maintenance button and copy advisor. Watch the video below for instructions on how to update an advisor in Banner.

If you do not have SGAADVR or advisor access in Banner please complete the access request form at, select Account Access Request to UAF Student Data. For access type check "A Person Advising Students." If you are assigning advisors to students and the advisors' names are not available then they will need to complete the Account Access Request form.

  1. Review the Best Practices Advisor Assignments in Banner
  2. Log Into Banner 9 with your UA credentials.
  3. Type SGAADVR into the search bar, click on the SGAADVR form
  4. Enter the student's ID number
  5. Enter the current term (202001- Spring)
  6. Click Go
  7. You may need to click Maintenance if the From Term is not the current term
    1. Click Copy Advisor
  8. Click Insert to Add an Advisor
    1. Type in the advisor's ID number, Advisor Type: MAJR
    2. Check the box for Primary (if you are the primary Major advisor)
  9. Save

Progress reports are created when instructors mark a student “At-Risk” during a progress report campaign. These reports include course details, number of absences (optional), current grade (optional), comments from instructor to advisors, instructor name, and alert reasons.

You can pull a report of the student flagged as at-risk through the report's features. You can pull this data by advisor assignment, major/s, college, watch lists, or etc.

Here is the intervention reports training video:

Advisors are able to issue alerts in between instructor progress reports. Alerts are a way to draw attention to a student who might be at risk for a variety of reasons, such as, needing tutoring, missing course materials, poor attendance, observations of student struggles, or other. Issuing an alert can draw attention to these students, create a virtual referral and prompt action from the student's academic advisors.

Advisor intervention and data reports key.

Here is the video on how to issue an alert:

Alerts are created when instructors mark a student “At-Risk” during a progress report campaign or an academic alert was issued. These reports include cumulative GPA, alert reason, course related to the alert, alert is connected to a progress report or not, and the comment from the issuer.

You can pull a report of the students with alerts in the report's features. You can pull this data by advisor assignment, major/s, college, assigned advisor for management, watch lists, or etc.

Advisor intervention and data reports key.

Here is the intervention reports training video: 

Here is the video on how to schedule download your alerts regularly:

Appointment campaigns allow staff and instructors to reach out to specific populations of students to encourage them to schedule appointments. This functionality is commonly used when you have identified a population of students in need of additional support, and you are sending them a request to schedule an appointment with you.

*Note: Students will receive a personalized scheduling link through the campaign and do not need to log in to schedule their appointment.

How to send a reminder and add new students to a live campaign.

How to update your current active or unsent campaign.

How to report on an appointment (appointment summary) for campaign appointments.


Here is the appointment campaigns training video:

Staff, Instructors, and Tutors can schedule appointments with students. When appointments are scheduled in Nanook Navigator this will create more efficient processes for the appointment summary report and appointment management.

*Students will be able to request appointments in Nanook Navigator in the near future.


Here is the appointment training video:

Student Name, ID, Categories, Tags, Classification, Major, Cumulative GPA, Assigned Advisors, phone number, gender, ethnicity, address, Term Credit hours, Term GPA, Total Credit Hours Earned, student opted out of SMS, and opt in SMS.

Here is the student data reports video:

Student enrollment report provides student courses by semester, mid-term grades and final grades along with other associated course information.

Advisor intervention and data reports key.

View student grades through the enrollment report, student profile or progress reports report.

Here is the student data reports video:

Run an advanced search to get a quick list of student names and students IDs. Staff and faculty advisors can utilize this list for creating watch lists, communicating to students, scheduling appointments, and use in combination with several other Nanook Navigator features.

NOTE: Transfer students will show up as "enrolled" for the term that their transfer courses are evaluated in. You may have transfer students who are not matriculating until a future term that may populate on your current term results. You can use the V3 Enrollment Report to ensure the student is enrolled in UA courses for that term. 

Here is the advanced search training video:

Run an advanced search to get a quick list of student names and students IDs of students who have not registered for an upcoming semester. Student care employees can utilize this list for creating student lists, communicating to students, scheduling appointments, and use in

combination with several other Nanook Navigator features.

Locations that have set up an appointment feedback survey or pre-appointment questions can access the appointment feedback metrics in the V3 reports. 

  • Click on the reporting icon on the left side panel
  • Click on Standard Reports
  • Search for  feedback, click on  "Appointment Feedback Responses" or "Pre-Appointment Metrics"
  • Input the location, contains all, and select your location
  • Run Report

Example Appointment Feedback Metrics Report Link

Example Pre-Appointment Metrics Report Link

Instructions on setting up your appointment availability, campaign appointment availability and syncing your calendar. There are also instructions on how to set up your personal zoom meeting link, waiting room settings and how to add your personal video conferencing link to student appointments in Nanook Navigator.

To edit an appointment you will need to access that appointment through the Nanook Navigator calendar or appointment queues.

*Availability set in NN does not change your Gmail/Outlook calendar availability. Details from your professional calendar do not feed into Nanook Navigator it will only be indicated that you are busy and block that time out.

UA provided Zoom cheat sheet.

How to avoid Zoom-bombing

Here is the availability & calendar sync training video:

Students are able to view drop-in availability and place themselves into a virtual waitlist connected to a staff member, instructor, tutor or all staff in a location. This is only accessible if the location has drop-in availability and has requested to turn on these features.

Who are my advisees?

This hand-out provides instructions on how to pull a list of your advisees. The report can also provide the assigned advisors for any current student, allowing you to search by major, school, watch list, and etc.

Assigned advisors are Individual Advisors or Unit/Department Code Advisors assigned to students in the Multiple Advisors SGAADVR screen in Banner. Advisor assignment data pulled into Nanook Navigator includes both the primary and secondary assigned advisors for the listed semesters (each student) in Banner.

New V3 Reports Library

New V3 Reports handout

Student lists are static lists of students that can only be updated by the user that created them. They are useful for tracking information about a group of students or campaigns. A watch list allows a user to upload a list of their own active students or they can create a watch list from advanced searches or individual student profiles. A user can perform advanced searches and report pulls on their watch list of students (i.e. pulling final grades of those specific students each semester).

Here is the student list video:

A case is an electronic “case file” where staff and instructors across departments (e.g., financial aid, bursar, tutoring, and advising) can coordinate and collaborate on the follow up with students. Cases create a more formalized next step for action or intervention on an issued alert. See the Manage Your Cases button below for case management practices and instructions.

Recommended checklist for case management: 

  • Review case(s) in Nanook Navigator
  • Sort cases by student name
  • Update ownership of your cases
  • Reach out to the student and schedule an appointment (if needed)- actions button
    • Cases are to be managed and closed within 2 weeks of receiving the case assignment.
  • Complete a report on appointment or note in Nanook Navigator 
    • Reports on appointment: use radio question, “Did the advisor utilize grade information from progress report(s) or mid-term grades in their discussion with the student?”
    • Reports on appointment: Use the “Progress Report Concern or Alert Intervention Support” service.
    • Create a note through the student’s profile: use the “at-risk engagement report or alert intervention support” reason.  Recommendation: do not turn on transparency for students.
  • Close case in Nanook Navigator
  • If you receive no response from a student and you are concerned then you may report this concern to the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability team and close the case in Nanook Navigator.


Template communications for outreach.

Here is the case management training video:

Full Case Management Guide

Cases Report provided all cases details, but is not available to all users. If you would like a copy of your advisees cases please provide the timeline, and the advisor's name to the Nanook Navigator Administrator at

The Report on an Appointment allows staff and faculty to create an electric student file through appointment summaries. Appointment Summaries provide staff and faculty with the ability to record interactions with students pertaining to a specific appointment or communication.

Here is the appointment summary training video:

Here is how you can create to-dos for yourself or the student. 


This report provides appointment summaries in bulk based on specific dates and search criteria.


Here is the appointment reports training video:

Send text messages to students through Nanook Navigator.

This key provides a list of the Nanook Navigator categories which can be used in reports and advanced searching. The key also provides a list of student holds or status codes you may see when viewing a student profile.

Add notes to a student's profile.

*Starts at 3:38

Locations that have set up an appointment feedback survey can access the appointment feedback metrics in the V3 reports. 

  • Click on the reporting icon on the left side panel
  • Click on Standard Reports
  • Search for  feedback, click on  "Appointment Feedback Metrics" or "Pre-Appointment Responses"
  • Input the location, contains all, and select your location
  • Optional: Add filter,  Appointment Date, date range, select your date range
  • Run Report

Example Appointment Feedback Responses Report Link

Example Pre-Appointment Responses Link

Getting Started: Learn how to log into your Nanook Navigator profile, switch roles, view assigned students, search for students, and change your profile semester data.


If you do not have SGAADVR or advisor access in Banner please complete the access request form at, select Account Access Request to UAF Student Data. For access type check "A Person Advising Students." If you are assigning advisors to students and the advisors' names are not available then they will need to complete the Account Access Request form.

Create your own electronic student lists

List of ideas:

  • List of advisees (until all advisees are updated in Banner)
  • Continuing but not registered
  • Pulling mid-term/final grades
  • Specific demographic sets of students
  • At-risk students (low GPA, low progress, no degree plan, progress report)
  • Students set/not set for graduation

Nanook Navigator Key

  • This key provides a list of the Nanook Navigator categories which can be used in reports and advanced searching. The key also provides a list of student holds or status codes you may see when viewing a student profile.
  • Navigator Key Handout


Notes (not reports on appointments) Video *Starts at 3:38

Appointment Feedback Survey Form: Get feedback from your students at your location by setting up an appointment feedback form for appointments completed through Nanook Navigator!


Drop-In Availability and Calendar Sync:

  • Students are able to view drop-in availability and place themselves into a virtual waitlist connected to a staff member, instructor, tutor or all staff in a location. This is only accessible if the location has drop-in availability and has requested to turn on these features. Instructions on setting up your drop-in availability and syncing your calendar. There are also instructions on how to set up your personal zoom meeting link, waiting room settings, and how to add your personal video conferencing link to student appointments in Nanook Navigator.
  • Set Up Drop-in Availability and Calendar Sync



Appointment Campaigns:



  • Appointment Requests & Drop-In Management Handout


Appointment Summaries provide staff and faculty with the ability to record interactions with students pertaining to a specific appointment or communication.


Notes (not reports on appointments) Video *Starts at 3:38


Please review the Nanook Navigator Text Message Policy before texting.



Issuing an alert can draw attention to these students, create a virtual referral and prompt action from the designated staff.

Advisors and staff case management resources:

Reports related to alerts and referrals:


Who are my advisees?


Data can be pulled by your assigned student, relationship, major/s, college, student lists, or other criteria.

At-risk reports are created when instructors or staff members provide feedback on progress reports or referrals (ad-hoc alerts).

Student Data Reports: Student enrollment report provides student courses by semester, mid-term grades and final grades along with other associated course information. Student information report provides assigned advisors, phone number, gender, ethnicity, address, term credit hours, term GPA, total credit hours earned, student opted out of SMS, and opt in SMS.


Appointment & Notes Reports


Student Data Reports:


Save report criteria for future searches and create a schedule download to your email

Resources for advisors drafting or reviewing an academic plan & teaching students how to build their plan:


Resources for advisors to share with students and understand the student experience through the Navigate Student Mobile App and Desktop:


Resources for advisors providing feedback or submitting a change request to the Nanook Navigator Team:

Campus Guide

EAB Resources- Education Advisory Board (EAB) provides a variety of information, articles, data, handouts, and initiatives to the public. Anyone with an email address may create a profile in EAB to access more information, articles, data, handouts, and initiatives. Here is a handout with instructions on how to set up your EAB resources account.