Morton Stevens Hall

Opened in 1955, Walter T. Stuart Hall offers 12 one-bedroom apartments for individuals or partners. Stuart Hall is located across from the Wood Center, the Rasmuson Library and the center of campus. All utilities except phone and cable are included.
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How is my hall secured?

24-hour security is provided with required key card access to the building, and key access required to access rooms.

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How do I switch rooms?

There are two processes to switch rooms, Room Swaps and Even Room Changes.

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How do I get involved?

Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a student-led organization the coordinating body of the residential community.

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How do I make a maintenance request?

Any room or hall maintenance issues can be submitted through your Resident Assistant or Resident Director.

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What meal plan can I get?

Learn all there is to know about your meal plan and dining service.

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What appliances are allowed?

Residents are permitted to bring one refrigerator to be used in their residence hall room.

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