Training resources

Warming up

Always perform a general warm up before you exercise.

General warm up: any activity that you do to raise your body temperature one degree in preparation for your activity.


  • Increased force production
  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased lubrication of joints
  • Basically prepare you for movement and prevents the potential for injury!


  • 5 minute stationary bike
  • 5 minute brisk walk or slow jog
  • A dynamic warm up (see video to the right)
  • A 5 min circuit of body weight and sub body weight exercises

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  1. Get a good pair of running sneakers and change them every 400-500 miles.

  2. If you are unsure of what kind of running shoe you need go to a running specific store and ask the sales representatives to help you.

  3. Wear clothing that is comfortable and moisture wicking to avoid chaffing and chills on a run.

  4. Stay hydrated! Hydrate before and after runs.

  5. Most running injuries are caused by too rapid of an increase in mileage. Small increases over a long period of time will serve you better.

  6. Joggers/runners should increase their total weekly running amount by less than 10%.

  7. You do not need to run hard every day; alternate recovery with challenge to avoid injury.

  8. The cardiovascular system adjusts to stress quicker than the joints, skeletal system, and soft tissue of the body (muscles and tendons). This means as you improve your fitness levels you will feel like you can run more but your joints and skeletal system need additional time to adapt to new mileage.

  9. For long runs chose soft flat surfaces whenever possible. Treadmill training is fine but not every day.

  10. If you cannot take more than a couple of days per week of impact. Consider cross-training on a bike , elliptical trainer, or x-country ski to increase fitness level

  11. Body weight may effect joint stress. If your legs are not strong compared to your body mass your joints will pay the price.

  12. Add strength training to your program.

  13. Stretch regularly after exercise and on off days! Tight hips, hamstrings, and calf muscles can cause injury.

  14. Make sure you warm up before you run. If you are knew to running that may mean walking for 5-10 minutes before you start your run. More experienced runners may do a traditional dynamic warm up or some body weight exercises such as squats and walking lunges to warm up.

  15. Avoid wearing noise cancelling head phones, the ability to hear traffic approaching can help you avoid injury.

  1. Wear a good pair of running shoes that you have run in before.

  2. Make sure you warm up before the race.

  3. Hydrate before, during, and after your run.

  4. Use a running app such as MapMyRun or Strava to keep track of your time and distance.

  5. Pick a good course:

    1. Flatter runs with good footing to avoid slips and trips

    2. Beware of ice ! Avoid places you know may have icy spots, or wear traction aids on your sneakers

    3. Pick a course that does not require street crossings

    4. Avoid roads with high speed traffic

    5. Pick an area you are familiar with and is known to be safe

    6. Run during day light and at high pedestrian traffic times

    7. Run with a buddy and avoid isolated areas

    8. Avoid wildlife and areas that may be known to attract animals that could pose hazards

  6. Let someone know where you will be and when you will return