Stationary Cardio




High knee run (demonstration only video )

Helpful Tips:

  • Stand tall

  • Keep your core tight

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • While your torso is stationary raise knee as high as you can without altering your torso position

  • Alternate knee raises until you complete the set.

  • This is meant to be a rapid alternation, work at your own pace but as you get more comfortable increase the speed.

  • Swinging your arms as if your are running will help your balance, ideally bring your front arm to cheek higher and your rear arm should swing back past your hip.


Jumping Jacks (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your core tight

  • Shoulders down and back

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • Jump up while raising your arms and legs out to the side

  • Land back at attention

  • Repeat quickly

  • Jumping requires the body to decelerate a lot of force. Pick a surface that has some give and wear shoes that have shock absorbing foam to help your knees and skeletal system out.


Mountain Climbers (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your core tight

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • While your torso is stationary raise you leg behind you

  • Raise your knee toward your elbows as far as you can without changing your torso position

  • Alternate knee raises until you complete the set

  • This is meant to be a rapid alternation, work at your own pace but as you get more comfortable increase the speed.


Stair Runs: On On, Off Off and On, Off (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step up on the stair landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your knee in line with your toe as you step up

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • This is meant to be a rapid fire exercise, try and move as quickly as you can performing the exercise correct.


Up Downs (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • Toes should be pointing forward

  • Shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • Tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • Drop down into a pushup position but do not perform a pushup

  • Kicking your feet out rapidly away from your hands

  • Pull your feet back under you as quickly as possible

  • Jump up from this crouched position.

  • Land back at attention

  • Repeat quickly

  • Jumping requires the body to decelerate a lot of force. Pick a surface that has some give and wear shoes that have shock absorbing foam to help your knees and skeletal system out.

  • If you have a history of Knee or Back pain this is not an ideal exercise for you, substitute with something more controlled such as a body weight squat or step up.


Lateral Shuffle

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly slightly wider than your hips

  • Toes should be pointing forward and slightly outward

  • Shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • Tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • Drop down into a half squat position

  • Push off the foot furthest away from the direction you want to go

  • Pull your feet back under you as quickly as possible

  • Repeat quickly

  • Try and keep your hips at the same level as you slide laterally


Hop Scotch Squat